Garden Views Today

This morning I published

Martin and Jackie have been working steadily at clearance and planting over the last few weeks. Much of the pot planting visible in the following garden views has been recently accomplished by the Head Gardener while our invaluable Journeyman Gardener has used fork and spade in the beds.

In labelling images in the gallery I have generally named one item; assiduous readers will identify others.

The demise of our Weeping Birch was enforced early in the spring.

The Bed still bears its name, and a rambling, scented, Rosa Silueta Lavender has been planted to clamber over the truncated tree.

This afternoon Elizabeth visited bringing a gift of get well dahlias which she had bought because they reminded her of what I had grown in our parents’ garden when we were young.

We then all dined at Rokali’s where I chose lamb Archery with puris; Jackie enjoyed paneer shashlik; and Elizabeth, sag chicken. My sister and I shared special rice. Jackie drank Diet Coke and Elizabeth and I, sparkling water. Service, cooking, and friendliness were as good as usual.


  1. One of the best things I did this year was hire a gardener to help me with the heavy lifting and digging. My garden has a long way to go before it is as beautiful as yours.

  2. I love seeing your garden pictures Derrick. I would love to have a gardener as it is getting harder to keep up as I get older. Your garden is like a beautiful walk in the woods.

  3. Your magnificent garden is not quite as incredible as Leonardo Da Vinciā€™s amazing exhibition but just as beautifully satisfying to view, Derrick

  4. When we move I will start taking pictures of the garden. It is not going to be anything like as impressive as yours, and will take a lot less work. Much as I commend Jackie’s efforts, the thought of all that work and palnting terrifies the life out of me.

      1. Life is too short for sense. Where is the adventure and romance in sense? A thing of beauty is a joy forever, which seems to be Jackie’s view of gardens, if not of husbands.

  5. Jackie and Martin sure know how to take a gorgeous garden and make it even more beautiful! “Tis a gift! šŸ™‚
    I hope you are still resting and healing.
    Besides all of the beautiful flowers and greenery…I spy many owls! I see frogs! I enjoy seeing all of the baskets and pottery!
    (((HUGS))) ā¤ļø ā¤ļø

  6. Everything looks great. I’m curious what the plant is that is about to climb up the tree on your header picture. Some kind of rambling rose?

    1. It was very hard Lavinia, so asked that they left a tall stump in order to grow a rambling rose up it, possibly to be joined by a clematis at a later date. Thank you for recognising the feeling of loss. Jackie.

      1. We lost two apple trees to the heat and drought. Both were old friends and bore long keeping apples. They were grafts on dwarfing rootstock and probably suffered transpirational stress.

  7. I’m glad Martin is taking the pressure off you while you recuperate. The garden is always a joy to see, no matter what state it is in (except right after a storm). I would also have called that a truncated tree. It will be fun to watch vines climb the birch. Right now we are just about to enter the worst of the 10-month-long Birch Seed season and my irritation is already climbing. I must make peace with that darned weeping birch terrorizing my house all year ’round – we track in those seeds constantly. Ha ha šŸ™‚

    1. Thank you very much, Crystal. We will need Martin long term now. I’m sorry about your irritation.

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