The Waterbutt

This morning I watched the highlights of yesterday’s start of the third test match between England and Sri Lanka, much of which was lost to rain and bad light.

For the rest of the day, tired of photographing raindrops, I settled down with Maria de Zayas and published

While reading I faced the dahlias Elizabeth had brought me as a get well gift.

Three days ago when we arrived home from a rainy forest drive we found a boxed waterbutt from Amazon on our doorstep. We brought it

inside in order to unpack it when the rain stops. It is still there.

This evening we repeated last night’s pasta arrabbiata with which I finished the Fleurie.


  1. Irony is a fickle thing. Hope you can get your water butt out there where it can be of some use for the next rain cycle. You meal sounds delicious, Derrick.

  2. A waterbutt! YAY! My dad was an amazing farmer/gardener and he always collected rain in rain barrels to use in watering plants and trees…even to water indoor plants. Trees and plants just seem to perk up more and be healthier with rain water. 🙂
    Those dahlias from Elizabeth just brighten up the room…and I bet they bring smiles to faces, too. What a thoughtful gift! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️
    PS…Is it bad that at my well-seasoned-age the word “waterbutt” still makes me giggle?

    1. Thank you very much, Liz. Our other one is leaking, but we have had enough rain to keep it full

  3. A quote for your Waterbutt …
    “A wave is never found alone, but is mingled with as many other waves as there are uneven places in the object where the said wave is produced.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

  4. Have never heard of a waterbutt! But now I’m enlightened. Lovely flowers too. I used to a HUGE cricket supporter when I was younger. Loved to play too. Happy Sunday Derrick!

    1. Likewise – I didn’t know about rain barrels, which I have to say is more understandable. Thanks very much, GP

    1. Thanks very much, Sheree. When we moved in we used to get mozzies from stagnant water in the unoccupied garden next door

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