After having cleared the footpath through the Cryptomeria Bed, Martin has now paved the area behind and alongside the garden shed that Jackie had spent some days tidying and levelling, thus providing her with a good working space without tripping over rubbish and requiring mud removal from her shoes. A couple of days ago she disturbed a wasps nest beneath this soil and set about it with a long-handled blunt instrument and effective herbicide. So incensed was one of her enemies that it lodged itself beneath her right spectacles frame leaving enough venom over her cheekbone to produce a very nasty hard lump down that side of her face. It is not so visible now.

The Head Gardener has completed her refurbishment of the planting in front of the garage door trellis with the addition of a basket hanging from the porch roof.
I added pictures of token roses in the form of New Dawn and Festive Jewel.

I didn’t manage much culling today, but this picture, my first entry into digital photography, appears in

This is the header from

In January 1965 I was working in a building that no longer exists on the east end of Westminster Bridge, well able to watch the lengthy queues waiting to view Sir Winston Churchill’s lying in state lined up along the embankment and bridges from 27th to 30th which appear in
Having perforce, at least until my cancer treatments are completed, to resort to more medium curries, I enjoyed my first ever king prawn biriani while Jackie chose her favourite ponir shashlik at Rokali’s restaurant this evening. The food and service was as excellent as ever. I drank Kingfisher and Jackie drank Diet Coke.
Sounds like a well-deserved meal by two hard working people. Hope it was delicious.
It was. Thank you very much, Pat
I love the old photos, a very different time from how the world is today. That camera is a great camera! I had one but sold it…
Thanks very much, John
The old photos are a gem and there is something so atmospheric about them. Itās lovely to see roses so late in the season – they better watch out for next week though! Poor Jackie and her wasp sting, that sounds nasty. Wishing you well with your treatment, Derrick.
Thank you so much for all these thoughts, Annika. Jackie has recovered.
Kudos to Jackie and Martin! It’s so good to have a clean space to work in. That wasp sting must have really hurt!!
It was bad, Liz. Thank you very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Such wonderful photos!
YAY for Jackie and Martin! They are always THE best garden-workers!
Poor Jackie! Wasp stings are so painful!
YAY for that delicious meal!
(((HUGS))) and ā¤ļøā¤ļø for you and Jackie!!
PS…I see owls! š
Thank you very much from each of us, Carolyn. Hoot, hoot XX
You’re welcome!
HA! on the hoots! š
I send my sympathy to Jackie for the wasp sting. That must have been very unpleasant.
It was. Thank you very much from each of us, Tootlepedal
Jackie was very brave to tackle the wasp nest. Simon attempted it once but it wasnāt successful, so we now have the fully gowned professionals. I hope sheās recovered from the nasty sting, I feel for her, these stings can be very painful.
She is OK now, Sue, but it was very bad, thank you so much, Sue
I’m so sorry to hear about Jackie’s wasp sting. I hope that she is feeling better now.
She is, thanks very much, Donna
I agree with Carolyn’s lovely comments, Derrick
Thank you very much, Ivor
I love seeing both of you in posts.You always have interesting projects.
A wasp sting is no fun. Glad that Jackie is managing the pain well. The line-up along Westminster Bridge reminded me of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
I hope Jackie continues to heal from the sting. Maybe a beekeeper’s hat or mask with a veil would come in handy.
She has eradicated that one, JoAnna. Thank you very much
Hi Jackie. And I love your picture too Derrick.
Thank you so much from each of us, Arlene
Great to have a clear work space!
Thanks very much, Anne
Phew! A lot of hard work!
Thanks very much, GP
More great photos! Those photos from 1965 are pretty amazing. ~Ed.
Thanks very much, Ed
A lot of hard work but nice to have a clear work space. Sorry to hear about Jackie’s wasp sting and I hope she feels better.
She is OK now, Eugi. Thank you very much.
That’s to hear, Derrick, and you’re welcome.
Wasp stings hurt quite a lot. I once knew an old farmer who said he would go up in the hayloft when his arthritis kicked up, find a wasp nest and remove the resident. Shaking it in his cupped hands, he would then place it on the sore joint, where the aggravated wasp who had been previously minding her own business proceeded to sting him. He claimed it worked. I do not advise anyone to try this at home.
I think we will both give it a miss, Lavinia. hank you very much
Bravo, Jackie, š … and bugger about the wasp sting. š
Thank you very much, Widders
Interesting! How did she get two arms and three legs?!
Thanks very much, Dwight š
You are welcome.
Lovely head photo of Jackie smiling despite the wasp sting – those are acutely painful! Thank you for the token roses, Derrick.
Much appreciated, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick.
I would imagine insect bites and stings are an occupational hazard for Jackie.
Yes. She is rather prone, Sheree. Thanks very much