Today at intervals between dozing and coping with the side effects of yesterday’s BCG vaccine installation I came close to finishing my reading of Elizabeth Goudge’s ‘The Heart of the Family’ until we enjoyed another of Jackie’s wholesome chicken stewp with fresh crusty rolls.
Sending healing hugs you way.
Thanks very much, Dale XX
Sounds like a good way to recover.
Thanks very much, VJ
Welcome Derrick
Spending a day reading sounds ideal. I hope you feel better soon!
A lot better today, Merril. Thank you very much
You’re welcome, Derrick!
I hope you feel better, Derrick. Taking a day of rest is a good idea.
The last one for a little while! Glad you are getting some much-needed rest.
Thank you so much, Liz. No more invasion until January
You’re welcome, Derrick. That’s good to hear!
It’s great you feel strong enough to read. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you very much, Sylvie. Much better today
Sounds like a great way to spend a day of recovery.
Thank you very much, Pat
Sending healing wishes, thoughts and prayers your way.
Sounds like the perfect way to spend your day.
Hope you can get some much needed rest.
And will soon feel fit and fine and at your best. 🙂
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️
Thank you so much, Carolyn XX
Feel much better very soon, Derrick. 😊😎
OHHH… fresh crusty rolls? Now I’m jealous since I haven’t eaten decent bread in 20 years. Being anaphylactic to gluten & wheat sucks. Gluten free bread is not worth a suck either. Anyway, I am pleased for you. 🙂
Thank you so much, Chrissy
Rest, read and enjoy Jackie’s wonderful cooking, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Sending a big hug 🙂
Thanks very much, Rosaliene XX
Sounds like good comfort food. Sending healing vibes and virtual hugs.
Thank you very much, JoAnna XX
Take it easy and try to recharge.
Thanks very much, Gary
Best wishes + chicken stew sound like the medicine
Thanks very much, John. I’ll have nothing more shoved down me until January
Reading and lovingly prepared meals always equal healing to me!
Sending warm thoughts your way.
Thank you so much, Donna
I hope you feel much better today 🤗💕
Hope you’re feeling brighter today, Derrick 🙂
I am Sandra. Thanks very much
I hope you are better! Are you?
Yes. Getting there, Ilze. Thank you very much
Does the UK have a lot of tuberculosis going around, Derrick?
We has eradicated it, but I gather it is being brought back in
Thank you.
Good wishes Derrick. Do you like the book? I shall try to find books by Elizabeth Goudge.
Thank you very much, Rupali. I do like the book. I should finish it today and review it tomorrow
Take it easy, Derrick, and I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Sorry you suffered side-effects, Derrick. I hope they were short-lived.
Yes – just a couple of days, Jan. Thank you very much
Stew and crusty bread are just the thing for recovery, Derrick 🙂
Exactly. Thank yo very much, Barbara
Hope you feel better soon
Not too bad. I have to remember that now is just the fourth day after the last invasion. Thanks very much, Sheree