Blossom Storm

This afternoon Jackie drove me to visit Giles and returned to join us for a while later.

One of my friend and my reminiscences was of his garden in Penn Street where Matthew, hidden in a cherry tree which he shook,

facilitated this blossom storm photographed by me in May 1983; much more pleasant than storm Eowen raging further north today.

Later, I read more of ‘The Brontës’, before we dined at Rokali’s where I enjoyed Ceylon duck and special rice, while Jackie did the same with Saltanat chicken and salad and a little of my rice; she drank Diet Coke and I drank Kingfisher. Everything, including the service, displayed its usual excellence.


  1. I saw the weather in Ireland this morning on our Weather Channel, they are getting hit so hard! I hope that you guys are safe from that system. 🙏🏻

  2. How absolutely lovely!
    We had a rough night and the wind registered 60mph today. It seems to have calmed down a lot this evening.

  3. Absolutely wonderful photos, Derrick, and the day’s adventure concluding with a delicious dinner was a very pleasant read. Your food choices made me hungry. Maybe I’ll have a snack before turning off the lights and falling asleep. What do you think?

    1. Thank you very much, Uma. Giles has a framed copy of the header picture and has always talked about it.

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