Concentration Wrecked

This morning we drove to Southampton General Hospital for the next of this round of BCG vaccine instillations. All went smoothly and the after affects are as expected, which means I could just about manage to finish reading ‘Devices and Desires’ but not to write the review; that will have to wait a bit.

Tonight we dined on chicken Kiev, ratatouille, boiled potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and runner beans.


  1. Please know we all care about you. Please rest, take care of you, recover…other things can wait. Continuing to send you heart-felt healing wishes and prayers. Your strength, courage, attitude, and spirit will continue to get you through all of this. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) and❤️❤️ for you and for Jackie!!

    1. One next week, then repeated at three monthly intervals for the rest of the year. Thanks very much, Laurie

  2. Like Sue, I was struck by how quickly this one came again. It is discouraging that you have to do this every three months for the rest of the year. But I know you are going to get through it with much of your good humor intact. I am grateful that you have the opportunity to suffer like this, in exchange for an extended life, I just wish there could be less suffering. As you have learned, many of us care about you and Jackie. We are pulling for you both to conquer this obstacle.

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