On 22nd March, when I first photographed two of these kids living alongside Wootton Road at the point at which it is about to join Tiptoe Road, they were just four days old; the other two were expected the following week. On that first visit, Lizzie Knight, having seen me photographing the young goats, had invited me into their field. This morning, her husband, Richard, did the same. Two of the animals display a penchant for climbing, and two others believe the forage is greener on the other side. As far as I can tell, those with the white saddle markings are the younger ones.
As I type this draft, sleet is the rapid precipitation spattering my windows. Later we experienced some sunshine.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s delicious, spicy hot, pasta arrabbiata, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Recital.
How serendipitous it is that I had to stop t let a herd of goats cross the road late this afternoon. They were large and their patterns were brown and white. These are lovely photographs, Derrick.
Amazing, Anne. Thanks very much
I love that darling little kid with the star on its forehead! I used to have goats when I was a youngster. They are so playful and fun to have as pets. You’re blessed to have them nearby where you can enjoy their antics! <3
Thank you so much, Jan. X
The kids are so darling! The dinner sounds delicious, I hope you get some better weather, Derrick. 😎🇬🇧
Thanks very much, John
They look so adorably cute….and your narration is so beautiful Derrick.
Thank you very much, Ruelha
You’re most welcome Derrick
The little black kid is so adorable! Even looks as though he’s posing for you!
Possibly – I have photographed him on two occasions, GP. 🙂 Thanks very much
Gosh they’re wonderful photos, Derrick!
Each is the most beautiful – and each is posing superbly for the expert photographer 🙂
Isn’t it amazing how quickly they run, socialise – and climb…
We had a very pretty multi coloured lamb born yesterday; already tottering around on over long legs, in an excited gaggle with his or her half siblings – the joys of spring, and the new life it brings!
Joy, indeed, Emma. Thanks very much
They are so adorable! I can’t pick a favorite photo.
I hope that’s it for the sleet.
Thanks very much, Merril. We are expecting -5C overnight
Oh dear! Hope your garden is OK.
So do we 🙂
They’re very cute. We have a lot of wild ones in the countryside around here, but they are pests, unfortunately, and do a lot of damage.
Thanks very much, Jane
Pleasure to observe young animals at play, having grown from babyhood.
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
So cute.
Thanks a lot, Judy
I want one…or two! They are so adorable. I hope your weather improves, Derrick. It was beautiful here today, but very windy.
🙂 Should be better in a few days. Thanks very much, Jill.
So cute.
Thanks very much, Chrissy
How wonderful! You can never take too many photos of baby goats.
I may well track them growing up, Sheree. Thanks very much.
That would be wonderful
I’ll let the owners know. They have a very small Shetland pony joining them soon. 🙂
Excellent news!
OHMYGOSH!!! AW!!! Nothing sweeter than a bunch of kids being kids! 😉 Oh, those cute faces!!! 🙂
Amazing and smile-bringing photos, Derrick!
The last photo made me giggle…so cute…and so like a kid to wonder how to get beyond the fence! 😉
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Q: What did the little goats say when they were caught playing a prank on the little lambs?
A: Sorry, we were just kidding around. 😀
Thanks very much, Carolyn 🙂 X
By co-incidence, I met some goats today too. Not as good looking as your goats though.
But I like your goat pics, Tootlepedal. Thanks a lot
How cute are they! But sleet, still? It’s almost May, Derrick!
Tell our meteorologists that, Janet 🙂 Actually Jackie remembers snow on her 1st June birthday. Thanks very much
I am pretty sure that there is nothing quite so playful as an agility of goats. And they are definitely photogenic.
What a marvellous collective noun, John. Thanks very much
They are so adorable. Lovely photos
Hope you are having a good weekend/ start of a new week.
Thanks very much, More. All we need is for it to warm up a bit. 🙂
You’re welcome
In Australia we call the young kids, ‘billy lids’… so I’d say they were a tride of “silly billy lids”
🙂 Cheers, Ivor
All we need is a soundtrack and make it a big hit❣️
🙂 Thanks very much, Val
I know you had a great time taking these pictures. They’re so adorable! Sleet!? Hoping better weather is on the way!
Not for another week, it seems.
Thanks very much, JoAnna
Fun to see those lively kids. But sleet?! What?
Yes, indeed, Laurie. Thanks very much
These nimble little goats are adorable!
It’s sounds like Old Man Winter is attempting to hang on in your area. Sleet in mid April is not something I would want to see.
Cold and wet this morning – but no frost. Thanks very much, Lavinia
Kids are a delight to watch.
They are – so independent so young. Thanks very much, Peggy
I do remember it snowing in May when I lived in the Lake District, so I shouldn’t be surprised at your weather, but from a distance your Spring does seem to be taking its time in arriving, except for the new births of too cute goats!
Nature plods on 🙂 Thanks very much, Gwen
Hiya. Over the weekend, I had an unexpected trip in an ambulance to a hospital in a nearby larger town. (Covid vaccine reaction, probably). My face looks interesting to say the least after fainting and choosing that part of my anatomy to meet the tiled floor!
Anyhoo, on the menu for dinner last night was : soup and sandwiches, or liver and roast vegetables. You have one chance to decide which I chose. I thought of you and Jackie as I laughed and made my choice. <3
The choice is a no brainer, Yvonne – good to see you still have one after your bash 🙂 X
I like your assumption!
PS I should have worked a reference into there about not kidding, darn it. 🙂
Those are a playful and adventurous bunch. I am not surprised to learn about their penchant for climbing. Goats are found on steep mountain peaks where they display a rare ease in the face of perilous rock faces.
I guess their owners know that, because they have provided mini-mounts 🙂 Thanks very much, Uma
Adorable kids. Makes me want to kick my feet in the air!
That is a lovely image, Catherine
Isn’t it fun, how goats have climbed into our language? “Kidding around” is one example, of course, but I’ve met a few “old goats,” and “butted heads” with a few! Lovely photos that brought lots of smiles, Derrick.
Oh — my previous comment about no mosquitoes? That’s no longer appropriate. Darn!
Thanks very much, Linda
There is just something about goats that, well, just make you smile! Your delightful gallery reinforces that. A great share, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Maj
Beautiful pictures of the goats kidding around. Have a wonderful week.
Thanks very much for this comment, Mrs W
Your welcome.
Each one looks adorable. I bet they have a lot of fun days together. My favourite is the chocolate one with a white heart on his (her) forehead. Is it only boys that have horns, do you know? Have you seen videos on the net of baby goats in pyjamas running, playing and bouncing off each other ? They’re so adorable ! xK
Thanks very much, Kelly. I’ll ask the owners about the horns. I haven’t seen the videos. That white heart does make the bearer special 🙂 X
Great photos. I sometimes wish my sister had goats instead of sheep but I suspect they are much more work and get into way more mischief.
I think you are right, Carol. Thanks very much
The kids certainly are winsome (and inquisitive) little creatures!
Thank you very much, Liz – and still so young.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I love goats, such fun to have around. A long time ago we had twins Geraldine and Jemima.
Our vet recommended that he debud our kids, so that they don’t cause damage to each other. Goats are not born with horns, just tiny buds which are numbed and cauterised before they start to grow.
Some years later we took on a little Billy and we named him… Billy! Originality was not our strong point! He lived with two of our pet lambs Jessie and Josie, but he was the leader and they followed him everywhere.
Thanks very much, Sue. That was interesting about the horns.
Lovely photos and I like to read what you eat and drink 🙂
Thank you very much, Lakshmi 🙂
There’s a reason that goats and Satan are often linked in stories of the occult. They look cute now, but they will soon be up to no good. We had one that used to put her head through the fence then bleat piteously at passers-by, who then used to come and tell us that we had a trapped goat. Sometimes it was four or five times a day. rattle the feed bucket and she soon used to unhook herself.
That would get my goat. Thanks a lot, Quercus