A Fly In His Eye

With the day growing steadily warmer and sunnier, Jackie began seeking stems for plant cuttings, continuing this afternoon, when I raked clippings, leaves, and twigs from gravel paths and added two more empty compost bagfuls to the heap for the next dump trip.

I made a start on reading John Prebble’s history of Culloden, then wandered around the garden with my camera.

Each of these random photographs, some featuring the various flying insects flitting about, bears a title in the gallery.

This evening we dined on a variety of Subway’s excellent fresh and tasty sandwiches, followed by berry strudel and vanilla Cornish ice cream, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Bordeaux. Afterwards we sampled Lyme Bay Winery Traditional Mead.


  1. The band-tailed pigeon, if I identified it correctly, is a fine capture! Photos of wild animals – including flies! – can be luck as much as skill. Flowers? They generally cooperate reasonably well.

      1. Mourning doves are a North American species. They are widely distributed on this continent, but some European birder would have to verify any mourning doves seen over there. I identified this bird by Googling “European doves” and scrolling through the photos till I found something that seemed to match. This isn’t a sound way to ID birds, however.

          1. The Eurasian collared doves reached my area about six years ago as far as me seeing them, and they seem to be pairing nesting in this area. Mourning doves are very common here.

  2. Your photos are very beautiful, Derrick! Vanilla Cornish ice cream? I’d love to try it! I didn’t know that the Subway sandwich chain is in the UK too, they make great subs! ????????????

  3. Lovely photos. You’re accumulating quite a collection for a future trip to the dump. I don’t recall you mentioning Subway before. We like them too.

  4. Still so much color and beauty going into September, Derrick and Jackie! I think my favorite today is the one of the marigolds. I should try to grow some one of these years.

  5. I individually viewed every photo in your gallery, a wonderful collection Derrick, and a soothing sight for my tired eyes this morning

  6. Another gorgeous garden day…peaceful and sigh-worthy. 🙂
    Oh, my, oh, my! I hope the owl got the fly out of his eye!
    Those pesky pesty flies…now they are pickin’ on owls! Grr!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Gosh, Val. I didn’t know that name for the chlerodendrum – much easier. Thank you very much.

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