Jackie and Elizabeth visited MacPenny’s Nursery today in order for my sister to buy some bulbs. They also lunched there and returned here mid-afternoon. We chatted for a while before Elizabeth departed for her own home.
The first part of this collection of essays by Richard Church illustrated by C.W. Bacon features in https://derrickjknight.com/2023/10/30/more-rain-more-reading/
As before I have scanned each page containing one of the drawings, some also featuring the author’s prose, leaving readers to make their own assessments.
I will just add that, having been determined to finish my reading and to scan this second batch of pictures today, I was tempted to skim some of the prose, but I couldn’t bear to miss a word.
This evening, while gales howled outside and rain beat a tattoo on the Velux window above, we all dined on Jackie’s wholesome chicken and vegetable stewp and fresh crusty baguettes with which she drank more Zesty and I drank more of the Côtes du Rhône.
It sounds like a relaxing day and cozy evening (indoors).
It sounds like the book kept you riveted.
Indeed, Merril. Thank you very much
I got a big kick out of the description of walking his Corgi. I could just picture the emergence from the wheat.
Thanks very much, Liz. Yes – a delightful image
You’re welcome, Derrick.
The illustrations are definitely arresting: plentiful and detailed. And the prose is a delight, like a wander through life as told in vignettes. I wonder if it was published because Church was already established and had a following, or whether others could also hope for similar success at the time.
The publishing world is too brutal today to allow for such “mere” observations on life. Or at least in Australia. You’d have to self-publish and market the work yourself.
It is similar over here. Church was well established by then, but the printed word was more popular before the internet.
A girls day out. Perfect.
Thanks very much, Chrissy
Another set of excellent illustrations with samplers of very enjoyable prose.
Thank you so much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Sounds like a great meal on a stormy evening
Thanks very much, Pat
The storm seems very threatening. I hope that you and the garden come through it.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Wow Derrick, presenting all scans for article would have quite a task, well done my friend …
Thank you so much, Ivor
You’re welcome Derrick
Hi, Derek – I totally get being tempted to skim some prose, but then not bearing to miss a single word. That’s the story of my reading life in a nutshell! <3
Thanks very much, Donna X
The book looks like a delightful treasure full of wonderful words and beautiful illustrations.
It is, JoAnna. Thank you very much
“We climbed and the sun climbed behind us” – love the imagery of these words. Though to be fair I think I would’ve rather gone to the plant nursery with the girls even though I enjoy reading when I can stay awake long enough at night.
Thanks very much, Suzanne
It looks like the perfect book to read on a rainy day 🙂
It was, Anne. Thanks very much
That’s a lovely drawing of the two Painted Ladies (I think!)
Thanks very much, John. That’x right
The Choristers – I can identify with the page on Birdsong. How often I’ve stood there listening to the birds, my eyes scanning the bushes and the trees as I tried to spot them but to no avail.
The charming illustration on page 165 looked familiar, almost like I’d visited.
Thanks very much, Sue. You might have been there – The Pantiles at `tunbridge Welle
I don’t think so unless it was in another life! 🙂
Mr. Bacon’s illustrations are so captivating and beautiful to me!
And Mr. Church really knows how to craft a first sentence, and paragraph, to draw me in! He is such a gifted weaver of words/stories!
Sounds like a great day…swept away in a book…then a fabulous meal!
Your description of the sounds and sights accompanying your meal are poetic and beautiful! Your words made me smile. 🙂
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
I understand that sentiment of not wanting to miss a word. Certainly shows what a captivating author Church is, doesn’t it? And Bacon’s illustrations are amazing!!
I enjoyed the detailed and captivating illustrations. A perfect day to stay inside and read a book while looking forward to Jackie’s wonderful meal.
Thank you so much, Eugi
Most welcome, Derrick.
Gorgeous illustrations!
Thank you very much, Ribana
The illustrations are very well done, and I enjoyed reading excerpts from Church’s writing. He is growing on me.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
More wonderful illustrations
Thank you very much, Sheree