I have tried not to focus on our central heating problems during our current wintery weather; suffice it to say that we have had very few radiators working until this morning. Now we don’t have any. We sit swathed in layers of clothing, blankets and hot water bottles. I will try not to mention it until we are warm again – otherwise we may have to emulate J.K.Rowling who wrote her Harry Potter books in a café because she couldn’t heat her home.
In view of the number of pictures that have appeared in my recent posts, I now have far more in my collection than when I started culling, so I thought I had better get on with some of that.
I deleted just one from
six from
two from
and seven from
This afternoon I read more of ‘The Brontës’.
We dined his evening at The Smugglers’ Inn at Milford on Sea where Jackie enjoyed roast turkey, crisp roast potatoes and a share of the perfectly cooked mixed vegetables which I also relished with my Cullen Skink pie. The service was friendly, attentive, and efficient. Mrs Knight drank Diet Coke and I drank Doom Bar.
That’s not good, having no heating…all care
Thank you very much, Catherine
Oh no, Derrick! I’m sorry to read you’re without heat. I hope the excellent people you always seem to find can repair it quickly.
Thank you so much, Merril
My heavens. I hate cold far more than I mind heat, so you have my sympathy. As far as I’m concerned, you have carte blanche to gripe away.
Thank you so much, Linda
Try to stay warm, bundle up 🙂
Thanks very much, Bridget
Eek on no heat! 🙁 Keep bundling to stay warm. I hope things can get repaired soon.
Capital day to cuddle, cat-nap, consume-a-book, consume-a-comfort-meal and cull! 🙂 Ha! 🙂
(((HUGS))) and ❤️❤️ to you and Jackie!!
Clever comment, Carolyn. Cheers from each of us.
It stands for Universal Serial Bus, which is near enough your Bus. I was going to suggest asking Becky to help.
Giving you suggestions has also reminded me that I should also be taking my advice. I have a terrible habit of saving both the resized versions of images and the originals, and it’s been a while since I edited my files.
I had good intentions when I purchased another USB drive in the summer, but it’s still in the packet! 🙂
It has been cold enough in our house, even with heat allegedly working. I feel for you. Having a warm meal in a warm setting has to help
Hope heat returns sooner rather than later.
Thank you very much, Pat. The pub certainly did help
I am sorry the heat is out, Derrick and Jackie. I hope things are working again soon!
I enjoy looking back through your old posts.
Hope you get your heaters working again soon. Just when you need it most 🙁
I sympathise with your heating problems, and I really hope your heating engineers can fix the fault soon.
I realise you’re culling images to free up space on your hard drive, but it sounds like you’ll never get on top of it. Wouldn’t you rather be reading one of your books?
A less time-consuming way to free up space would be to purchase a good-sized USB Memory Drive. Bulk Copy the older image files to the drive, Label the drive with the dates FROM?? TO??
That way, the older images can still be accessed on the new memory drive if and when needed.
Your computer friend down the road should be able to advise on the size of the USB drive.
You might even find your computer speeding up! 🙂
Thank you very much, Sue. I’ll get Becky to sort me out on the USB which to me is simply an anagram of BUS
Your troubles with your central heating seem to be never ending. I hope that some solution is found before your both turned into blocks of ice. We enjoyed watching Countryfile today as it was about the New Forest, but disgracefully it made no mention of the brilliant photographers who are to be found in the area recording local scenes and livestock for posterity.
Chuckles all round, Tootlepedal. Thank you very much from each of us
I love the upsidedown photo of your friend Giles! Sorry to hear you’re still having problems with your heating system.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I hope you get your heat back soon. I think finding a warm cafe is a good idea.
Thanks very much, Carol. That is why we went to the pub 🙂
Sorry to hear about the disappearing heat. That is so hard right now.
Hoping you are comfortable and things will be resolved soon.
Thank you very much, Val
Interesting background about J.K.Rowling. I hope your heat is back on very soon
Thank you very much, JoAnna
I hope you get warm again soon. I am in a process similar to yours withe my photos, long and tedious, but necessary, and sometimes fun.
Oh my gosh, I hope your heating is back on very soon, guys! 🙏🏻😭
Brrr! When I was young I slept in a unheated scullery on London. I had a paraffin heater that only worked for a few hours. Then I froze. I used to pull my clothes into bed to warm them before dressing. Hope you get you heat back soon.
If it were possible I would send you some heat from my place. It is currently just after midnight and I an reading your posts now because earlier it was about 37 C. and thankfully it has dived to 15 but I have all doors and windows open to cool the house down.
It’s the thought that counts. Thanks very much, John
I hope the heater works soon.
Now fixed. Thanks very much, Byung
Oh, no! Not having heat is not good. We have a couple of space heaters just in casel
So do we, but they are not much help. Now fixed. Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I hope your heating system is fixed very soon. Meanwhile, are there portable heaters available?
Be well and stay warm, Derrick and Jackie!
Thank you very much from each of us, Dolly
Tell me that’s not lizard pie?
No Undyed smoked haddock: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=cullen+skink+pie&sca_esv=988dfbd5561fba57&ei=qIeYZ53ENb3YhbIPr9OjiQY&oq=cullen+skink+pie&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiEGN1bGxlbiBza2luayBwaWUqAggAMgsQABiABBiRAhiKBTIGEAAYFhgeMggQABgWGAoYHjILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMgUQABjvBTIIEAAYgAQYogRI8ClQvAdYlhhwAXgBkAEAmAFBoAHuAaoBATS4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgWgAqYCwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICDRAAGIAEGLADGEMYigXCAg4QABiwAxjkAhjWBNgBAcICExAuGIAEGLADGEMYyAMYigXYAQHCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICBRAAGIAEmAMAiAYBkAYTugYGCAEQARgJkgcBNaAH7Rc&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
Mmm that sounds like a very nice fish pie.
The best I’ve ever tasted – and I used to make a standard one myself
Hoping you at least have a space heater Derrick, try to stay warm.
Thank you so much, Diane
my brother has also been without heat for a long time…I wish you warmth soon
Thank you very much, Rose
I’m sorry to hear about the heat issue and I’m glad it was resolved!
Thank you very much, Riba
I absolutely love the photo at the top. The light on the wings with the dramatic bridge behind is just stunning.
Thank you so much, Crystal
Oh no, Derrick! What exactly happened? Maybe you need to let the air out for water to come in?
Thanks very much, Ilze. Something needed replacing and the pressure was down
Sorry to hear you’re having issues with your central heating. Sod’s Law of course dictates this only happens when it’s cold, really cold.
Absolutely. Thank you very much, Sheree