The Plantation House And Garden


A visitor just inside the front door this morning somewhat deterred Jackie from leaving the house by that route. Well, it was suspended at just about head height.

Ficus roots

Yesterday the Head Gardener pronounced sentence of death on a ficus which was far too close to the patio, and too big for the plot it occupied. She made a valiant start on carrying out the punishment which I continued today. Working in steady drizzle, I just managed to complete the task before heavy rain set in for the day. The two pieces of trellis in the background of the photograph were taken from the recently freed cast iron gate. A scented jasmine has already been planted to make its way up them.

In the days following Sam’s arrival into Port St Charles, Barbados in May 2004, I continued to photograph the island and scanned a dozen more slides today.

Sam meeting Milnes family

Sam with Peter, Sol, and Jay Milnes

The two boys were very keen to meet the new celebrity. They were Jay and Sol, the sons of Peter Milnes, who lived in a former plantation house. An introduction was arranged and we made our way to their home, where their delight was patent.

Plantation House and Garden

The family lived in a former plantation house. Better appointed than most they date from the colonial days when rich men could keep the poorly paid servants to run the establishments. The house was impressive and situated in an idyllic spot.

Plantation House garden 1PlantationHouse garden 2Plantation House garden 3




and breadfruit were among the plants.

This evening Jackie and I dined on her scrumptious cottage pie, carrots, and cauliflower. She drank Blanche de Namur and I drank Cimarosa Reserva Privada malbec 2013.



  1. I walk into spider webs everyday; can’t help it since there’s only one path. So I break half a dozen webs every morning and the next morning they’re back again. 🙂 Sam’s so handsome.

  2. The little house in the big woods is filled creatures that scuttle and webs. Fun to know that across the pond we have something in common. Along with the books we love 😉

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