Before WordPress 1

I had begun writing about my day on Facebook on 25th April 2012. This had been in response to pressure from family, ย before I had ever heard about blogging. Here is my first effort:

At last, through playing World wide Scrabble, I’ve twigged how to operate this facility – or at least a bit of it! So, here goes: recent outings with Jackie include a trip to the National Theatre to see She Stoops to Conquer – an excellent performance of a very funny play by Oliver Goldsmith; and a fundraising qiz night for Merton Mind – our team was winning until the last round – James Bond films – we got 3/20!
18 months on from my hip replacement I am walking for an hour for most days.
Playing Scrabble with people all over the world I have made several good on-line friends and have learned, for example, from first hand experience of the Japanese tsunami.
My most recent crossword for the Independent newspaper was published this Monday.
Current reading includes Ray Bradbury’s Farenheit 451 and Flaubert’s Education Sentimentale in the original (be impressed, please).


    1. Many thanks, Mike. Neither do I, but I have a link to WP so that non WP members get an alert. FB have just started ‘sharing memories’
      and digging out these old ones so I thought they would complete the picture (I turned to WP on 9th May)

  1. It’s always interesting to find out why and how blogs started up. I’m not on FB very often at all, like you it’s just a link that exists for blogging purposes – and the messenger app is handy ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s all a huge learning curve isn’t it – it’s not that long ago none of this existed. I was very impressed with your last sentence!!

  2. Wow – so interesting, Derrick! I was just back looking at your first WordPress post & this takes it even further back. I knew about the crosswords – but did NOT know about the French. Excellent.

  3. Wow, are you, Derrick, reading Flaubert in French? I’m impressed!
    I read “Farenheit 45” in middle school and talked to my Dad back then about it. He had me then read, “Clockwork Orange.” It was such a graphic but very “current” to today’s madness (violence) and culture.

  4. That took me back. We read Flaubert for A Level French. I’m impressed with you, and with my 18-year-old self. Not so impressed with myself 41 years later as I failed to build on it, so all the more impressed with you for still being able to do it.

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