Purchasing Prescience?

Martin worked in the garden all morning, and Ronan and Craig from Tom Sutton Heating checked faults in two radiators. The latter diagnosis was a blocked pipe which necessitates their returning in about a month’s time with a machine to clear it.

I therefore stayed at home while Jackie went shopping.

Today our gardening friend completed his work on weeding the gravelled Gazebo Path, thereby providing a clear walkway the whole length from the iron urn to the southern fence.

I had not noticed when photographing Jackie studying the contents of this antiques cubicle at the Redcliffe Garden Centre Emporium that there was a row of five cut glasses on the third shelf from the bottom beside her left elbow. Why not a set of six? The answer was because she was holding one. She made no purchase. I must have known.

While out this morning she returned to the antiques centre and came back with these cut glasses.

At intervals during the day I completed my reading of The Saga of Dietrich of Bern which I expect to review tomorrow.

This evening we dined on oven fish, chips, and peas.