We’ve Been Badgered

A few days ago Jackie photographed these 40 Nicotiana Sylvestris seedlings sprouting in the greenhouse. When they are big enough she will transfer them to their beds.

Two evenings ago she leapt from the sofa exclaiming “What was that? –

It was a big thing”.

“A Touch of Frost” had to be put on hold while she rushed outside to investigate.

She followed a large creature as it slithered in a surprisingly agile manner underneath the metal gate on one side of the house.

It had also burrowed beneath the gate that Aaron had recently installed.

With an admirable turn of speed the Head Gardener gave chase and watched  a badger rapidly run across Christchurch Road towards the field opposite.

This morning we received evidence of a further visit. Trenches had been scoured all round the garden shed.

Planted pots had been toppled and pebbles scooped out. Clearly our visitor had returned.

Research reveals that Brock is a member of a protected species and almost impossible to remove. One suggested deterrent is human urine, so I guess I will have to make a convenience of it.

Courtesy of those the lockdown prevented from visiting us at Easter, we had plenty of fresh from the freezer prawn melange ingredients to enjoy a repeat for dinner this evening; Jackie drank Budweiser and I finished the Barbera.