With winds speeding upwards of 40 m.p.h. my major contribution today was to lay garden furniture on its back.
Jackie spent the morning repotting plants that attracted what is now an entourage of two robins and a baby blackbird which, having been led to the larder by Nugget who also brought one of his offspring, joined in the general hindrance.

The first two of these gallery images, all made by Jackie, contain “Where’s Nugget Junior?” (1 & 2); the next two “Where’s Nugget?” (81 & 82); and the last pair “Where’s Baby Blackbird?) (1 & 2).
Click on any image to access the gallery. Scroll down to view full size. A further click or two will produce much more biggification.
What the world needs now is https://youtu.be/LanCLS_hIo4
Play it while seeking the three little birds.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent beef and mushroom pie; tasty new potatoes; crunchy carrots and bright green broccoli, with which she drank Becks and I finished the Carles.