Jackie had a reasonably smooth shop this morning, after which she worked in the garden until the temperature became too hot. The Co-op was selling bedding plants, some of which she naturally bought, although she will have need of
all her pelargonium cuttings in the greenhouse.
After lunch I took a tour with my camera and deposited some debris into the compost bin.
Even these white daffodils turned their backs on the bright sunlight.
The younger tulips in the patio pots are in hot pursuit of their elders,
more of which are fully opened;
others continue to grace the Rose Garden
and the foreground of this view from the concrete patio leading towards that area.
The species Lilac Wonder attracted a rather small bee,
This is time of year when, before coronavirus, we would have visited local bluebell woods, however we do have
plenty of our own.
Lavinia Ross spotted pot marigold calendulas in yesterday’s post. Here is another variety of the genus for her.
Our Magnolia Vulcan is now coming into bloom.
Camellias brighten many views like this one of the Brick Path;
they form a sympathetic backdrop to the red Japanese maple;
and come in a variety of hues.
Spirea sprays spread across the Palm Bed;
pieris leaves flame over the lawn;
self-seeded Erigeron has leaped to cascade from the Kitchen Bed obelisk;
and spring daffodils nod to summer snowflakes across the Cryptomeria Bed.
Caterpillar-like catkins wriggle on the tips of Weeping Birch branches.
Tiny epimedium blooms cast their shadows on the West Bed.
The borders of the back drive contain unusual daffodils, sympathetic snapdragons, and vinca colour-coordinated with honesty.
The far end of this drive stands opposite the car park of The Royal Oak which bears a sad
sign of the times, advertising their spring menu for which no-one is able to stop and enjoy until the pandemic rules are relaxed.
This evening we dined on tempera prawns with sweet chilli sauce, diet garlic bread, and fresh salad with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Mezquiriz. We had planned a houseful for Easter so stocked up on items such as these before panic buying had cleared the shop shelves.