Early this morning I watched a recording of the rugby Word Cup match between Scotland and Romania.
This morning Jackie and I attended the Steam Fair set in the grounds of Burley Manor. We each took a camera and wandered around separately, although keeping within sight of each other amidst the teeming throng. I, in particular, was fully occupied in avoiding tripping over a dog on a leash or a child who could have done with one. We chose both similar and varied subjects, each with our individual slant. For simplicity I have placed our randomly exposed pictures in clusters which will largely speak for themselves. Each, as usual, is named within its gallery, Jackie’s being entitled as hers.
I was taken by the miniature engines, of which there were a few, either being driven or worked on.
We were each interested in the smoking chimney;
and on the Foden Steam Wagon which bore the New Forest Cider container.
A number of other machines appeared in each of our collections;
and we both homed in on detail.
Visitors welcoming the opportunity to cover a vehicle in graffiti were too good a subject for either of us to miss.
When focussing this lad steering a digger neither of us had any idea that Jackie must have taken her shots of children attempting to hook a duck at right angles to me from the other side of the enclosure.
The only way we were going to find anywhere to sit was to join a food queue and find somewhere to consume our purchases. We chose tasty sausage and bacon baps from Souper Brothers.

After this Jackie stayed on her chair while I photographed a few more scenes to accompany the last of hers.
The final coincidence was that Jackie had photographed a line of classic cars in the fair, while I, not knowing this, photographed this ’70s American vehicle on my way to join her in our car.
Before dinner I watched the match between Australia and Portugal.
The said dinner consisted of oven fish and chips; garden peas; Mrs Elswood’s pickled sandwich gherkins; and Garwood’s pickled onions, with which Jacky drank Zesty and I drank Paarl Shiraz 2022.