Burley Park Steam Fair

Early this morning I watched a recording of the rugby Word Cup match between Scotland and Romania.

This morning Jackie and I attended the Steam Fair set in the grounds of Burley Manor. We each took a camera and wandered around separately, although keeping within sight of each other amidst the teeming throng. I, in particular, was fully occupied in avoiding tripping over a dog on a leash or a child who could have done with one. We chose both similar and varied subjects, each with our individual slant. For simplicity I have placed our randomly exposed pictures in clusters which will largely speak for themselves. Each, as usual, is named within its gallery, Jackie’s being entitled as hers.

I was taken by the miniature engines, of which there were a few, either being driven or worked on.

We were each interested in the smoking chimney;

and on the Foden Steam Wagon which bore the New Forest Cider container.

A number of other machines appeared in each of our collections;

and we both homed in on detail.

Visitors welcoming the opportunity to cover a vehicle in graffiti were too good a subject for either of us to miss.

When focussing this lad steering a digger neither of us had any idea that Jackie must have taken her shots of children attempting to hook a duck at right angles to me from the other side of the enclosure.

The only way we were going to find anywhere to sit was to join a food queue and find somewhere to consume our purchases. We chose tasty sausage and bacon baps from Souper Brothers.

After this Jackie stayed on her chair while I photographed a few more scenes to accompany the last of hers.

The final coincidence was that Jackie had photographed a line of classic cars in the fair, while I, not knowing this, photographed this ’70s American vehicle on my way to join her in our car.

Before dinner I watched the match between Australia and Portugal.

The said dinner consisted of oven fish and chips; garden peas; Mrs Elswood’s pickled sandwich gherkins; and Garwood’s pickled onions, with which Jacky drank Zesty and I drank Paarl Shiraz 2022.


  1. I enjoyed seeing the various miniature engines, but it was that Ford Fairlane that caught my eye. In fact, 1970 was the last year it was produced; I always think of it as a late ’50s and 1960s car, because one of my high school friends found a second-hand one and restored it. They were great cars — almost as mythical in some parts as the ’57 Chevy and ’56 Fury. The ’56 Fury even has its own song!

  2. We had a similar steam event in the next country this weekend while we were in California. Great pictures. Amazing what they did with steam.

    1. Much appreciated, Tootlepedal. I don’t know about you, but I’d never get down to one of those.

  3. What a fabulous event and I enjoyed all the wonderful photos from you and Jackie … and there in the “Food queue and dogs by Jackie” I spotted a look-a-like Frankie …

  4. Looks like a good day out. I once hitched a lift from a man who was a 3rd generation lorry driver – his grandfather had driven a steam lorry. Not long ago when you think of it like that. 🙂

    1. Amazing. Mr Figg in our street used to follow the rag and bone man’s horse with a bucket and shovel

      1. We used to have a rag and bone man in Blackburn in the early 60s. I was fascinated by him and Steptoe. Give me the child, as either Aristotle or the Jesuits said. 🙂

  5. Excellent photos, guys! I love the big old Ford Fairlane and the little steam engines. I hope the paint came off of the car!

  6. Here’s a bit of fun. I just watched the last European tour concert by the group Home Free, that I’ve featured on my blog. They’ve been on a three-week tour, and performed today at the Kentish Town Forum in London. The first three songs from the concert are on youtube and free: you can find them here. It is amazing what can be done these days. I purchased the ticket for streaming the entire two-and-a-half hour concert for US$15. Amazing.

  7. Thank you and Jackie too for all the photos. It was like being there. The miniature engines are beautiful. I remembered Trustee from the Toolroom by Nevil Shute.

        1. I will. You have prompted me to check the books an aunt left me decades ago, in which there was a collection of his workks. One was this one. So thanks again.

  8. I’m glad no children, dogs, or senior citizens were hurt or tripped over. Looks like an interesting fair. I’d enjoy the graffiti car and tend to get carried away when given a canvas like that, though I’d have to be creative in finding space to leave my marks.

  9. That is a riot of vintage steam engines! It must have been an absolute delight to the photographers, including you and Jackie. These are icons of romanticism, harking back to a century where their dominance on society has been absolute.

    The car has been doodled to death with graffitis. Children have been captured well impersonating Bob the Builder. I’m sure they don’t need the allure of the prize money for handling the dumper.

    The vintage cars have been captured splendidly, although they deserve a post of their own.

  10. Now that looks like a great day out !
    How did I miss it !
    I just love the ‘Hook a duck with a digger ‘
    Poor little ducks must have been quacking in their shoes !
    These are great pics and make a change from ponies pigs and ponds
    Thanks Derick ! X

  11. Looks and sounds like a fun event! I enjoy going to events like this!
    Jackie and Derrick…your photos are grand! Thank you for taking us along via photos. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  12. Hi Derrick, Obviously, a ‘snap-happy’ occasion! Some good shots. Always good to get out and about; so pleased we: ‘im indoors, and I, did the same years go. Now ‘Steeped’ in antiquity, (it doesn’t just apply to furniture or buildings..) ‘he’ 95 and me 91, our poor old legs protest…but we do live near the Med. in Spain and are surrounded by some appealing ‘watering holes’ so don’t have far to stagger…Have a good week.

  13. What an enjoyable festival that must have been, and wonderful nostalgic photos, Derrick and Jackie. There are many classic car festivals in our area this time of the year but I’ve not seen festivals with steam engines.

  14. These machines are fascinating! I had no idea there were so many different types of steam-powered vehicles. My favorite photo, though, is the blue caravan.

  15. Will those coincidences never end – I just had a glass of Shiraz at our Rabbi’s birthday dinner.
    Fascinating photos of those quaint steam-driven mechanisms, Derrick and Jackie.

  16. So fun to see the scenes through both of your lenses! Not surprising that you each found similar scenes on which to focus. Great photos! Thanks for sharing. 

  17. Fabulous shots by you both. What an interesting day out that would have been. Those miniature steam engines have me wondering if the owners build them themselves as it would require a variety of skills.

  18. Sometimes I am struck with how much similarity there can be between your part of the world and ours. We have a similar steam machine group here who love to show off their stuff. We also enjoy the fairs around wool and its corollary spinning, carding and knitting.

  19. What a wonderful event, and y’all took some terrific photos! I really enjoy those steam-powered machines; the miniatures are extra-special. My big brother had a ’57 Fairlane. I think the one in your photo is a ’59. Beautiful auto! ~Ed.

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