Opening Santa’s Sacks

We customarily begin Christmas Day by

opening Santa’s sacks, each image of which is titled in the gallery.

The next step was to browse on Jackie’s lunch spread of cold meats, cheeses, and salads for lunch, after which we played League of the Lexicon, an excellent present Santa had brought Flo, interrupted by a break to watch the King’s speech in which he had focussed on themes of the natural world and preservation which reflected his life’s work during his long years as Prince of Wales.

Later we all opened our main presents, by which time I thought I had enough photographs of the event.

As I write, Jackie is still working on finishing touches to her splendid roast turkey meal with all the trimmings you can think of. I know that afterwards I will be in no fit state to produce any more, so I will leave it to your imaginations.

Poppy Does Byron Road


A sleepy Christmas morning began with the opening of presents from Santa.

Matthew and Poppy

Poppy suitably oohed and aahed as she sought her parents’ help to unwrap hers. This assistance was necessary because you can’t carry out the task while one hand clutches chocolate.

The fairy dress made by Jackie was much admired. One of our granddaughter’s first words is mirror, which is used to ask to admire herself.

In this she carries on the tradition established by Flo, who was also the recipient of such a garment for her first few Christmases. These were taken in 1999.

Poppy 3

Poppy, like her older cousin, would simply take a rest when all became too much.


Jackie’s laptop wallpaper demonstrates the similarity.

After a full day of present sharing,Tess drove Becky, Poppy and me to Byron Road to enjoy the Christmas lights.

After a slow start, Poppy got well into the swing of things: pressing buttons and dancing along to the exhibits. She shared some of her delights with a little French boy scarcely older than her.

We dined just before nine. Jackie excelled herself in producing succulent roast turkey, stuffing, sausages in bacon (known as pigs in blankets), Brussels sprouts served with bacon and chestnuts, swede and carrot mash, roast potatoes and parsnips, carrots, and Yorkshire pudding with tasty gravy, all cooked to perfection. I drank San Andreas Chilean merlot from a case Ian had given me as a present. I’m not sure what everyone else imbibed.