On another summery September day Jackie and I nursed colds indoors whilst Aaron and Sean virtually completed removing the grizelinia hedge. I scanned another couple of dozen colour slides from September 1982. These were from a holiday in Brittany enjoyed with our friends Ann and Don. Here is a selection:
The group nearest the centre of this underpopulated beach include Jessica, Ann, and Sam.
A gentleman emerged from the sea clutching a cluster of seaweed;
a string of gleeful children danced their way to the ocean;
a lone woman passing them traversed the beach.
Hand in hand, Jessica and Ann led Sam into the water
and swung him to meet the wavelets.
Ann continued the gymnastics
while Jessica went for a paddle.
Sam, dried off, and ready for bed, told his sister all about it.
Attached to our rented gite was a shed with a corrugated iron roof
that blended quite well with the ageing hydrangeas.
This evening we dined on pizza and I drank Doom Bar.