Jackie spent much of the day cooking masses of curry and other dishes in preparation for her traditional Boxing Day extended family event, which, of course we had been forced to cancel last year.

Here are peppers frying, some diced beef undergoing pressure cooking, and pots of ingredients ready for their turn.

For the last twelve years an antique wall cupboard has stood on the floor because we couldn’t find a suitable place to hang it. Today our Maintenance Department had the idea of standing it on top of the Chinese cupboard in the hall, and, taking a break from her culinary efforts, she helped me lift it up there, and photographed it afterwards.
Further preparation for our holiday visitors was the removal of much furniture and stuff dumped in other bedrooms while the new upstairs sitting room was being refurbished. I completed the task of temporarily returning them to the new room, pending decisions about where to dispose of much of it.
Afterwards I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2021/12/11/a-knights-tale-77-as-long-as-i-can-have-that-one/
This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy pasta arrabbiata and tender runner beans with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Macon.