Paddington Basin Development


I enjoyed another thrilling day wrestling with technology. After a few hours last night the iMac update ground to a halt. First thing this morning I phoned Apple again and got started once more. Today the process continued for a little longer, but again took an unwelcome rest. James Peacock, my local consultant is going to have to come and collect it.

My next task was to order and pay for Christmas presents from the Disney Store. The nearest was in Southampton. They had four of the main item in stock. They couldn’t accept payment over the phone; and they could not save an item for us. I could buy the present on line. I went on line. The item was not included in their pages. I’ll leave that one there.

I am due possible laser surgery on my left eye. I need to book the appointment on line. Apparently this is an easy process. It didn’t prove to be. Each time I typed the address given on my form, I landed on Google explanatory pages. I’ve no idea how I managed it, but I did eventually arrive at the booking system, and obtained the first available NHS appointment. This is in April.

Not to be deterred from my determination to illustrate this post, I transported my Windows laptop to my Epson scanner, and set about scanning my next batch of colour slides from the Streets of London series, produced in May 2005.

Everything was correctly plugged in, but no scanner icon appeared on the screen. Further investigation revealed the message that the driver was unavailable. Given that I thought I was the driver, that seemed at first to be out of order. Further head scratching made me realise that I had never used the ten year old scanner on this laptop. From the depths of my memory I remembered that a CD contained the relevant software. I found it. Things were looking up. This ancient bit of kit loaded perfectly, and I was up and running.

Sheldon Square 1

Sheldon Square, W2 has appeared before, especially featuring the other realistic sculpture walking towards this chap standing on the left.

Sheldon Square 5.05

Neither of the two shirted gentlemen will ever be provided with an umbrella like the real live woman walking towards us.

Sheldon Square 2

This sculptural group is not striving to hoodwink passers by. Much of the paving in this up-market development was, in my view, laid too soon to allow sufficient settlement. There also appears to be a dearth of drainage. Pools are the result.

Paddington flyover 1

My counselling room in Beauchamp Lodge enabled me to look across the Harrow Road roundabout

Paddington flyover 3

and  the flyover

Paddington flyover 2

that spans the canal

Paddington flyover 1

and the edge of the square.

Paddington flyover 4

I was able to watch cars, vans,

Paddington flyover 6

industrial vehicles,

Paddington flyover 5

and bendy buses travelling along Harrow Road or the A40. What could easily be mistaken for two red buses is in fact one. Bendy is the colloquial name for articulated buses. They were introduced into London in 2001, some 20 years after several other countries. Most Londoners would probably agree with Boris Johnson who believed they were unsuitable for the city. They were all withdrawn by the end of 2011. I believe that Sadiq Khan, the current mayor of London is being urged to bring them back. As a fairly frequent traveller on this method of transport I observed many people securing a free ride. It was possible to enter the bus by means of the exit door situated at the centre join. The buses are operated by a single person who, with so many standing passengers, had no chance of preventing this abuse.

Blomfield Road W9 5.05

Blomfield Road, W9 forms a junction with Warwick Avenue which leads up towards the huge roundabout featured above.

Park Place Villas/St Mary's Terrace 5.05

The grand terraces of Park Place Villas and St Mary’s Terrace stand in stark contrast to the buildings shown at the start of this post.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s smoked haddock, piquant cauliflower cheese, creamy mashed swede and potato; with runner beans and carrots for a splash of colour. I finished the cabernet sauvignon.


Fence cloudscape

Continuing with my scanner compatibility problem I telephoned Epson, to learn that the two different downloads Apple advisors had sent me were incorrect.  I dragged those into the trash, and the Epson man sent me another which worked.  It is not quite the same as I’m used to, but I’m getting there.  I have scanned and enhanced the two earlier photographs from Elizabeth’s series, but have decided not to change them in the posts, as it is all part of the story.  Not only that, I can’t be bothered.

Rugby front rowWhile doing this I received an e-mail attachment of an inspiring photograph from my friend Geoff Austin.  Well into his sixties he turned out at the weekend in the front row of the scrum for an Old Whitgiftian testimonial match.  The mud on the hooker’s face is reminiscent of the many muddy hours I spent in the second row in my thirties and forties rubbing my ears against Geoff’s thighs. Purely in order to raise cauliflowers, you understand.  Like me, Geoff can be identified by a white beard.  Before my short-lived first retirement, from the Old Wimbledonians, in 1972, at the age of thirty, I was joined in the second row by a sixty five year old who had been pulled out of the spectators to fill a gap.  I’d always thought our combined age took some beating, but I think Geoff and his colleagues have probably pipped it.  Although we turned out regularly for Geoff’s Old Boys  team every week, Alan Warren, another member of our Social Services Area Team, and I, could not at first appear on a team sheet.  This is because we had never attended Whitgift School.  Geoff had inveigled us into playing one day when his XV was a player or two short.  So I got my boots out again and didn’t put them away until we moved to Newark in 1987.  Forty five seemed to be a bit old to join a new club.  Not too old to be playing, of course.

What Geoff forgot to mention was that the lower sides of his club were always a player or two short.  But Alan and I could not officially make up the numbers, because this organisation was a closed club.  This meant we outsiders could not join.  After a game or two with the fourth team, we became regulars with the third.  At about the time I had gravitated to the second side and was being considered for the first, the fact that this was all unofficial and required some steadfast members to be kept in the dark, suggested something must be done.  Alan and I were duly made Associate Members of The Old Whitgiftians Association.  That meant we had to pay subscriptions, but it was a small price to pay.  For me to play for the first XV remained, however, out of the question

Jackie and I moved more belongings into the garage today.  I then ordered some bookcases from IKEA on line.  When asked for my feedback on the remarkably smooth process, I commented that it ‘beats trailing round the store’.

HailBefore venturing for a walk to the church and back via the ford footpath, I waited for the hail to stop.  John, who was mowing the lawn when the thunderous storm came, was forced to divert his attention to raking gravel.  By the time I returned there had been no further precipitation, and our gardener was continuing to mark the centuries old rocky, undulating moss-covered lawns with perfect mowed lines.  John mowingThis man, once a week in the summer and fortnightly thereafter, works like a Trojan on this four acre communal plot.  When we first arrived in November his task was clearing the fallen leaves.  It was then that Jackie gave him his nickname, not Trojan, but Greek.  In that country’s mythology, Sisyphus was a king of Ephyra who was punished by the gods, being given the task of pushing a huge boulder uphill.  Whenever he reached the top the stone rolled back down again.  As John was blowing together one pile of leaves, others were torn down by gusts of wind and followed on after him.  And of course his pile was blown about as well.  Do it all again was the order of the day.  A nice simile.  John will be forever Sisyphus.

As I rounded the house, approaching the back door, I sensed wonderful curry smells.  Not imagining I could be given a brilliant chicken jalfrezi, such as to do all the local restaurants out of my business, so soon after a chilli con carne, I wondered who else in the building enjoyed and cooked such food.  The anwer was no-one.  Jackie was cooking our evening meal which she later served up with pudding rice to follow.  I started on an excellent Bouchard Aine & Fils red burgundy harvested in 2010.  Thank you Helen and Bill for this Christmas gift.