The Coven

This morning Jackie attended a periodic meeting with her two sisters, Helen and Shelly, affectionately known as the coven, where they no doubt discuss “toil and trouble” and all things nice.

As usual Jackie packed some sandwiches for my lunch into the fridge and left me to my reading, which today was

which I posted later.

We have for a while been to no avail searching out a clump of fly agaric toadstools which we expected to see at Moyles Court.

On her way home she spotted them hiding down a different slope. Some relatively new; others flattened, aged, and somewhat nibbled.

The very mild autumn has given New Milton’s abundant displays of Canna lilies and begonias an extended lease of life.

Elizabeth visited us this afternoon for tea, cake, and conversation.

This evening we all dined on Red Chilli’s excellent takeaway fare, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Graves