At midday I kept a dental hygienist’s appointment with Bronya at Birchfield Dental Practice, after which we brunched at New Forest Emporium Café at Newlands Manor Farm.
As is now customary, Jackie produced the photographs.
Here are the Brunch and Lunch Menus;
a selection of interior views;
various wall decorations and
cakes on display;
and containers on the tables.
Our choices were cooked to order. Therefore there was a more than acceptable wait balanced against the quite superb quality of the very fresh food at most reasonable prices.
Jackie pointed out that the cheddar in her tuna and cheese panini was mature – not the bland variety one would normally expect.

This was perfectly matched by the taste of the ingredients in my Big Beauty Breakfast. Where else would I find cherry vine tomatoes and sublimely tasting mushrooms with sausages of the quality of those of Ferndene on a café plate.
The service was friendly and efficient. The waitress, a former nurse, offered to help each of us out of our very low armchairs – I availed myself of this and it was most professionally done.
Local radio was playing on the radio.
While we were waiting Jackie had also wandered around the outside.
Afterwards we took a trip to Hatchet Pond and back.
The first five of these pictures are Jackie’s; the next four, mine.
This evening we dined on scrambled egg, baked beans, salad, and toast.