Always Remembered

On this sun-bright morning we stopped driving for two minutes at 11 a.m. and gave a thought to the fallen.

This is how children passing through Hordle Primary School will remember.

On our survey of likely locations for the displays we drove down Vicarage Lane, but not the made up lane crossing Sky End Lane.

It was along Kings Farm Road that we stopped to arouse the curiosity of several inquisitive sheep.

St. Mark’s Church in Pennington had not forgotten.

Almost directly opposite this message lies a most dangerous pothole. Hopefully someone will remember to fix it before long.

The blue flowers on the Bodre War Memorial Hall, situated at Pilley celebrate the memory of the many animals sacrificed in conflict.

Donkeys, including a thirsty foal, basked in the midday warmth beside

woodland harbouring a squirrel photographed by Jackie who also pictured the last of the donkeys above.

The backlit autumn leaves and the holly close up are mine; the next two images of holly berries and autumn oaks are Jackie’s.

The Commonwealth War Graves society combined forces with St Mary the Virgin church at South Baddesley.

The signpost at Everton Road displayed poppies around its base.

Before dinner I came to the brink of completing my reading of “Literature and Western Man”.

We then all enjoyed another of Jackie’s beef and onion pies with the same range of vegetables and even meatier gravy than yesterday. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.