Young Artists

Our 212 mile round trip to Mat and Tess’s home in Upper Dicker gave Jackie and me a whole new slant on driving rain.

We were there to celebrate New Years Day with them, with Poppy; and with Louisa, Errol, Jessica, and Imogen. The families were gathered in the Village Shop where we enjoyed Tess’s meal of glazed ham, roast potatoes various salads, and red cabbage, followed by a dessert of Christmas pudding, ice cream, and brownies. My beverage was malbec. No further nourishment was required after we returned home.

Glazed ham meal

The door was locked, but several hopeful customers peered in the windows until they realised we were having a private function.

Within seconds, the two little girls were jumping up and down trying to give us our Christmas present. A general distribution ensued.

Mat, Errol, Louisa, Tess, Poppy (Jessica and Imogen)

When we sat down to eat Jessica and Imogen disappeared behind their easel and canvas kits we had given them. They can be glimpsed at the far end of this picture which, along with others shows something about the evocative atmosphere of the cafe area.

Errol, Imogen, Jessica, Louisa, PoppyLouisa, Poppy and Jessica

Jessica painting

Jessica painted the still life to her right,

Imogen painting

and Imogen the dining table with decorations above.

Tess, Poppy, Imogen

Poppy tried out most of the other available presents. Here she is watched by Imogen.



Imogen serving

was served by the girls, who will be attending to paying customers at breakfast tomorrow.