It has been all go today. Dave of D J B Plumbing spent the morning replacing our ailing macerator. Phone conversations with first Nick, then Max, of Peacock Computers revealed that they have found a fast fibre Broadband supplier for me. This will mean cancelling my BT account once it has been installed.

Before lunch I completed the clearance of the dressing room, but for 3 items the men will move tomorrow. When used as a little sitting room it will offer this view of the garden.
When I tried to pay Dave on line I received a message stating that the service was not available and that I should try again later. When I did I was told that there was no match between the name and the bank details. I rang Dave to confirm I had the correct details. Dave confirmed their (WP underlined their in red – again) accuracy. I tried again and it worked.
Elizabeth visited again, bringing cake and a determination to crack the Probate Application forms problem.

She hit the same buffers as I had. This was simultaneously reassuring and rant-inducing.
Eventually we settled for printing out the forms for me and Joseph to complete by hand. There were pages numbered 18 and 20 and an unnumbered one entitled Legal Statement. There was no number 19. This caused considerable confusion until I realised that this statement was probably number 19. The introduction had mentioned that the first set of forms was 26 pages long. After number 20 there was no 21. But there were 6 pages (numbered 1-6) of Equality and Diversity questions.
The second set of 8 pages is the Return of Estate information, for tax purposes. This exhausted my current pack of plain printing paper – it was a piece of good luck that I held just enough for these.
This evening we dined on a thick cheese, black pepper and onion omelette and oven chips followed by pumpkin pie, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Montaria.