A Tale Of Two Houses

This morning’s chiropractic session with Eloise was pleasurably smooth, my next session again being in five day’s time.

We celebrated by lunching at Otter Nurseries https://www.ottergardencentres.com/our-centres/lymington/

This is a very popular local outlet and source of perfect plants and a good variety of gifts.

For lunch I enjoyed a steak and ale pie meal, while

Jackie was very pleased with her macaroni cheese.

The jug of thick meaty gravy glimpsed at the back of the first pie picture provided a welcome sauce, as this excellent quality meal, new to their menu, suffered somewhat from having been cooked earlier and rather dried when reheated. The chips, however, were perfectly fresh, and this might be considered a quibbling complaint in the circumstances, especially at a total cost for the two meals of £24.90.

There were no complaints from Jackie about her tasty macaroni cheese with garlic bread, fresh coleslaw and plentiful salad.

The service is well organised, friendly and efficient, with a long queue of customers enabled to wait at their chosen tables where they are brought their meals as soon as they are ready.

We would certainly visit again and perhaps select our courses with a mind to my points made above.

Afterwards, on this dry, overcast, and consequently rather warmer, day, we took a short forest drive, during which I focussed on two buildings in Pilley.

The first was the former village shop and post house which has been refurbished as a rather good looking dwelling house, appreciated by the pigeon on the roof.

The next is the apparently derelict relic which seems somehow holding itself up in order for an elderly gentleman to sell eggs from the plastic chair peeping round the corner. Could he be resident, we always wonder?

Afterwards I dozed through Lucy Worsley’s Romanov series, waking up to the Revolution.

Later, we all dined on Becky’s tuna pasta (the others) or sardines pickled in chilli (me) with plentiful fresh salad and a few prawns from yesterday. I drank more of the Shiraz and Jackie drank more of the Spanish rosado.