

A brief window of sunshine emerged in an otherwise wet and dull day, to enable me to cut the grass, do some dead-heading, and repel bramble invaders on the back drive.

Otherwise I scanned a batch of colour slides from a trip to Richmond Park in May 1981.

Jessica and Sam 5.81 1

Jessica, Sam,

Matthew 5.81


Becky 5.81

and Becky were my companions.


It was the season of Aquilegias

Azelias 5.81

and Azaleas.

Matthew and Becky and reflections 5.81

When Matthew and Becky began fishing for sticklebacks in the lake, I walked around to the far side to see what I could do with my long lens.

Matthew and reflection 5.81 2Matthew and reflection 5.81 1

Gradually, a certain amount of interest was aroused.

Becky, Jessica, Sam, Matthew and reflectionsBecky, Sam, Jessica, Piper and Matthew and reflections 5.81 2Becky, Sam, Jessica, Piper and Matthew and reflections 5.81 3

Reflections of Becky, Sam, Jessica, Piper and Matthew 5.81 1

Jessica, Sam, and Piper, the dog, soon became involved.

Reflections of Becky, Sam, Jessica, Piper and Matthew 5.81 2

Hello; who’s that behind Sam?

Becky, Sam, Jessica, Piper and Matthew 5.81

The people in the background were more interested in the shrubbery,

Matthew, crowd, and reflections

Becky, Matthew and Crowd 5.81

Reflections of Becky, Matthew and Crowd 5.81Matthew and reflection with crowd 5.81

Reflections of Becky, Matthew and Crowd 5.81 2

but soon there was quite a crowd of spectators,

Reflections of Becky, Jessica, Sam, and crowd 5.81

Reflection of Matthew and observer 5.81

who slowly drifted away.

This evening’s dinner consisted of Jackie’s classic chicken jalfrezi with vegetable rice salad. She drank her Hoegaarden/Bavaria mix and I drank Royale Pays’ d’Oc Merlot 2014.