A Collection Cull

With close to 58,000 photographs in my iMac Photo collection, and thousands more in colour slides and negative format from 1942 to 2012, today I grasped the nettle and began a long overdue cull.

Survivors include me in 1942 and my Dad and me in 1943 produced by my maternal grandfather in Leicester where I was born;

this was taken by a crane driver with whom I conversed in Soho Square Gardens, featured in: https://derrickjknight.com/2012/10/17/meandering-through-soho/

Sam, Holly, Malachi and Orlaith visited us at Minstead on https://derrickjknight.com/2013/03/13/a-hunting-we-will-go/ One of the pictures on that post was produced by Malachi;

this car sent up spray in Minstead on https://derrickjknight.com/2013/03/18/6868/

this was the view of Hampshire fields from the plane on 17th April 2013 when I was returning from Sigoules where https://derrickjknight.com/2013/04/17/she-snatched-my-wallet/

I wasn’t quite so high up when I photographed this scene outside Waterloo Station. It is contained in

https://derrickjknight.com/2013/04/23/taking-a-hint/ – this Pastel Painter in St James’s Park gave me the title of the post;

Jackie bought this hydrangea in Romsey Market on 27th April 2013, https://derrickjknight.com/2013/04/27/just-to-wind-me-up/

this horse drawn cart rounded Minstead in https://derrickjknight.com/2013/04/29/the-benefits-of-hearing/

The total of my digital images has been reduced to 57,343, but perhaps that is enough links for now for anyone who wishes to delve into the archives.

Meanwhile Jackie is continuing with her cull of the shrubs on the Front Drive.

Later, I began reading ‘The Heart of the Family’ by Elizabeth Goudge.

This evening we enjoyed the second shepherd’s pie Jackie had made yesterday, with similar vegetables.

Just To Wind Me Up

It was a long morning.  Knowing that Matthew was coming straight on here for the weekend after dropping Tess and Jo off at Gatwick airport at 5 a.m. got us up early. Mat and Oddie arrived at 6.45.  Soon after this I realised it was also a cold morning, and indeed, the harsh weather is back.  So, when Mat, Oddie and I walked down to the post box and back, I regretted not wearing an overcoat.  Incidentally, have you noticed how often a dog cocks its leg when traversing new territory?  Especially when Oddie is on a lead, we have to wait for him every time he adopts his seemingly unproductive three-legged ballet stance.

We then had a trip to Romsey where Jackie and Matthew wanted to arrange an Interflora bouquet for a funeral.  A suspicious e-mail caused some delay with this. When Jackie logged on to check the florist, she discovered she had a message purporting to come from me.  I had apparently sent this spurious message to myself and three others in my address book, including my French branch of Barclays Bank.  This required a call to BT who reset my password to ensure that this did not happen again.  Naturally it meant going through all the usual choices offered by a machine, then a wait for one of the advisors, all of whom were busy at that moment.  Never mind, I am well used to this now, and the man I eventually spoke to, by the now familiar process of taking over my screen, sorted the problem.  Fortunately I realised I would have to change the passwords on each of my e-mail accounts.  Had I not done so I would have probably gone ballistic when trying to access e-mails on my iMac.

Romsey market

When we eventually did get to Romsey it was cold enough for me to feel sorry for the market stallholders. Jackie buying hydrangea After arranging for the flowers to be sent, we wandered around the town, where Jackie bought an hydrangea from one of the stalwart sellers to plant in a rather beautiful pot that our neighbour Jean had brought all the way from Australia.  HydrangeasOn a nearby fruit and vegetable stall, two young men displayed all the usual patter associated with the East End of London, ‘like budgies, going cheap’, for example.  Seeing delicious looking pies on another we rather regretted that our freezer was full.  Whilst watching Jackie make her purchase I became engaged in an interesting conversation with two women, probably mother and daughter.  As the younger one walked past me, she half turned, without looking at the person she was addressing, and said ‘you don’t do that at my house’.  Sensing she had made a bit of an error, as the older woman followed on, I replied ‘I’ve never even been to your house’.  This caused some amusement.  Having woven their way through the stalls, they approached in a similar manner from another direction.  This time it was a question from the daughter.  ‘Do you want to go to Waitrose?’.  ‘No thanks’, was my response.

Jackie and Matthew both rather like the Daily Mail crossword, so we had to buy the newspaper and take it to Lineker’s cafe where we drank coffee.  For once in my life I was pleased to tackle this puzzle, just to keep warm.  I hasten to add that neither Mat nor his mother are fans of the newspaper, but they do, unfortunately, like its crossword. Mat with Daily Mail crosswordWe know that, on such an occasion, there will be much amusement as I complain about the terrible clues, which would never get through my usual editors.  We take it in turns to write in an answer.  Almost invariably I explode at my turn, with such as ‘it’s got to be this word; but this or that is wrong with the clue’. The glint in Matthew’s eye was not just because he was struggling with a clue, but it is his standard expression for when he has sussed his photograph is being taken.  There was a campaign in London, designed to shame people into drinking less.  Posters carried a picture of a recycle bin full of wine bottles and drink cans.  The caption indicated that the householders were known to like a drink.  For that reason I always feel rather embarrassed when there is a Daily Mail in our transparent recycling bag.

Back home we lunched on marvellous pasties, sausage rolls, bread, and salad Mat had brought from the Upper Dicker Village Shop (see 12th May last year).  Continuing with the puzzle afterwards, Matthew made a point of seeking out the worst clues, just to wind me up.

Jackie made an excellent lamb curry followed by bread and butter pudding for our dinner.  Matthew and I drank Piccini  Montepulciano d’Abruzzo riserva 2010.  Oddie had Butcher’s Senior beef, liver, and rice.