Flipping Flies

Immediately after lunch, before I had a tooth extracted by Mr Matt Hefferen at Birchfield Dental Practice, We took a forest drive.

Rhododendron Ponticum is ubiquitous in our area. One, beside the ancient Burley signpost at the bottom of Castle Hill is reflected in pothole pools,

alongside which a young foal vigorously rolled in a vain attempt to flip flies from its nether regions.

One seemed to manage alone;

another tried scratching with a hind hoof or catching the breeze engendered by its mother’s twitching tail;

alternatively trying to distract her from a mutual grooming exercise.

This evening we dined on tempura prawns, spring rolls, and mixed vegetables on a bed of Jackie’s colourful savoury rice, with which I drank Reserva Privada Chilean Malbec 2022.