The Manfreds At The Regent

Last night’s concert by The Manfreds at Christchurch’s refurbished Regent Theatre was a wonderful event.

Becky had left a letter for my old friend Tom McGuinness, one of the two original members of Manfred Mann, the other being Paul Jones, both men defying their eighty years. My daughter had informed Tom that I would be in the audience. Taking a break from marketing their albums at the interval, Tom joined us briefly in the foyer before returning to the stage for the second half.

The audience consisted largely of the generations for whom the classic songs were all familiar, and, as such, it wasn’t too difficult for Paul, who worked us brilliantly to have the choruses ringing away by the end of the evening.

I was permitted to take photographs, but not to use flash. Consequently a great deal of culling of my images was necessary. Here are

the most salvageable. Individual performers are titled in the gallery.

Later, I posted

This evening we dined at Lal Quilla in honour of Mothers Day.

With Becky and Jackie is Florence, here photographed by Ian.

For once I was not behind the camera.