The Ploughed Field

On another sunny but cold day of clear cerulean skies I walked further along Roger Cobb’s footpath and back.

While traversing the garden into Downton Lane I paused to photograph species tulips Lilac Wonder, forget-me-nots, and daffodils vying for space in the Palm Bed.

These three cyclists left the required amount of space as they skirted round me on the lane

where cow parsley,

bluebells, daisies,

and dandelions dominate the verges.

The fence beside number 21’s driveway bears careful, considerate, Easter greetings.

Residents of houses on Christchurch Road can now contemplate the crops to be sown in

the field I saw being ploughed from through the hedge of Honeylake Wood a few days ago.

Sawtoothed tractor tracks made tough travelling on parts of the footpath.

At the edge of the field alongside the wood I met two more neighbours I had never seen before. They had not taken this walk since coming here 20 years ago.

The couple had emerged from the kissing gate leading to the footpath between the wood and the field. We chatted for a while at a safe distance from each other until

they went on ahead of me back the way I had come.

More cow parsley,

and stitchwort lined the footpath back to Downton Lane.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s classic cottage pie; crunchy carrots and cauliflower with tender cabbage. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Fleurie.