This morning, Poppy demonstrated her recently acquired proficiency in completing puzzles – and in the process rather enviable flexibility.
Here she works on one that she could not manage on her last visit.
Kneeling is an activity I avoid at all costs these days. It is an unflattering process involving a certain amount of grunting, grimacing, and agonising grinding of joints. However, in order to change the angle of focus of these photographs, it had to be done.
This is not a performance our granddaughter had witnessed before.
She rapidly leapt to her feet, sped across the floor and observed the phenomenon at a safe distance. When assured that Grandpa was not a serious threat
Poppy calmly returned to her task with evident satisfaction.
Soon afterwards she adopted her daytime attire and led her parents back home to Upper Dicker.
Helen and Rob had not seen the beautiful bouquet they had sent us, so I photographed it and e-mailed the image to them.
This afternoon, Shelly and Ron visited with another splendid floral tribute and congratulatory card.
Threatened with a return of high winds from tonight, we later returned chairs and hanging baskets to the comparative security of ground level.
This evening, Jackie and I dined on her savoury rice with spare ribs, spring rolls, and noodles. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Minervois.