“Why Are We Waiting?”

This morning I posted: https://derrickjknight.com/2021/08/15/a-knights-tale-16-refugees/ then completed the sweeping of the Brick Path begun by Jackie.

Elizabeth and Jacqueline brought Mum over for lunch.

For a while, Jackie having provided our visitors with tea, we sat on the patio chairs chatting together.

Then we manoeuvred our mother into the kitchen dining area with the aid of her walking frame. Once settled, she grasped her knife and fork, thrust them in

the air and, drumming on the table, gave us a chorus of “Why are we waiting?”.

Jacqueline and Elizabeth were on hand to help with medication to be taken before food.

Jackie helped her to her favourite cottage pie, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots, and she got stuck in with gusto.

The rest of us talked among ourselves. I enjoyed a glass of the Faugeres.

Mum declined seconds, but when asked if she could manage ice cream (another favourite) she answered, with humour, that of course she could, as if it were a stupid question.

Further tea was taken in the sitting room. Later, Tunnock’s tea cakes were served and Mum was returned to Woodpeckers in time for supper.

This evening’s meal was a light ham salad.


  1. Well, that certainly looks like a lunch worth waiting for!
    And a fine example that what is acceptable – and even welcome – behaviour varies with age!
    Your mother is a wonderful lady.
    Precious memories for each of you. And wonderful to share.-)

  2. Your mum seems like a spunky lady.

    It seems to me that everybody can manage a little ice cream after dinner.

  3. There’s always room for ice cream! 😉 HA! 😀
    OHMYGOODNESS! I’ve got joy-tears in my eyes! I’m so happy your beautiful Mum got to spend time with you all…making beautiful memories…time spent with love and laughter to lift all of your spirits high! 🙂 And what a delicious meal Jackie made for all to enjoy! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  4. Your Mum’s pose with her cutlery reminded me of the ‘table grace’ we sometimes giggled at — but not when Grandma and Grandpa were around: “Good bread, good meat, Good God, let’s eat!” I’m delighted beyond words that she was able to join you at home, showing off her customary spunkiness. Getting ice cream was perfect!

  5. What a lovely day you had. Your mother is so interesting and the pictures accompanying the write-up are superb… you’ve captured good moments.

  6. Very heartwarming to see your mum enjoying her luncheon at your house Derrick … and Frankie here beside me, on the/our bed, watching me on the computer, nods his head in agreement …

  7. what a delightful story. heartwarming, too. thanks for sharing, Derrick! love your Mum’s sense of humor. what a sweet lady 🙂 🙂

  8. It must have been a highlight for your mother to get out of where she is living to spend time in your home and lovely garden with good food and excellent company. Thank you for sharing this poignant time.

  9. Mum is feisty – I love it!! She’s looking god and still has her spunk!!
    You sure do set a beautiful table, Jackie!!

  10. This post made me smile. What a good eater your mom is! Note: When my mother called someone “a good eater,” it was one of the highest compliments she could give. 😉

  11. This post made me smile. My mom got much more impatient with age–perhaps your mother has, too. It’s nice for you and her that she’s able to get out to your house for lunch. I’m sure she appreciates the change in scenery, as well as Jackie’s delicious food.
    Of course, there’s always room for ice cream! 😀

  12. Another lovely day spent with your mum and is looking very well.

    I noticed you had the same problem with enlarging images on Andrew’s site as I did both on his site and on yours. So it looks as though the problem is with WP.
    I wonder what they’ve been up to this time? They just can’t leave well alone!

  13. Your Mother is correct, there is always room for ice cream. And just when I thought cottage pie and ice cream had taken us to the heights of culinary excellence, out came the Tunnocks. I now feel like a deprived Dickensian urchin with my nose pressed up against you kitchen window, while the gentry has Tunnocks and us urchins fight to sniff the discarded foil . . . 🙂

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