After lunch I posted from my laptop.
Later this afternoon Nick from Peacock Computers delivered my reconditioned iMac and transferred the links.
I then tried my hand at scanning five more illustrations from Charles Keeping to ‘Dombey and Son. Although I could, eventually, scan the images in the normal way I failed to edit the titles into the gallery. My Epson scanner and WP don’t seem to be on speaking terms. Maybe they will sleep on it.
Anyway, here we go:

‘Captain Cuttle sat looking at the boy’

‘Mr Dombey stood in his library’ is an ingenious depiction of a triptych.

‘Mrs Brown whipped out a large pair of scissors’

‘The dingy tenement inhabited by Miss Tox’

‘Paul would sit staring at this exemplary old lady’
Jackie spent the afternoon tidying the garden and produced

a number of photographs which do bear their titles in the gallery.
Before I could load these into my computer I had to restore 45,000 photographs which took so long that I broke for dinner, consisting of Jackie’s splendid chicken jalfrezi; garlic and coriander naan, and mushroom rice. I drank more of the Cotes du Rhone. The Culinary Queen had consumed her Hoegaarden while producing our meal – possibly taking her mind off my cries of anguish.
The further typing of repeated names to accompany the above text would be a bridge too far tonight.
How did we ever spend our time prior to it being consumed by our technology?
Reading real books. Thanks very much, Pat
Brilliant answer, Derrick. Correctamundo.
It’s nice to have a fresh computer! Lovely photos as always. ❤️
Thanks very much, John
I know well the angst of migrating files to a new computer. I hope your cries of anguish are short-lived. My favorite photo out of today’s group is “Crow in Beach Tree by Jackie.” It reminds me a abstract paintings I’ve seen–only nature’s version is better.
My favorite too.
Thanks very much, Liz. That, of course, pleases Jackie
You’re welcome, Derrick.
That one stood out for me, as well.
That triptych is very, very cleverly executed! Although I do not always comment on them, I always enjoy the details in the drawings you show us.
Thank you very much, Anne.
Great photos, Jackie. Lots of colour about.
I use a USB (Universal Serial Bus) for 90% of my photos. That way I can see the photos on either the PC or travel laptop. I gave up restoring photos when ever I used another or replaced a computer and I have nowhere near 45,000. I’m glad it’s you not me. 😉
Enjoy your new computer.
Thanks very much from us both, Chrissy
I love the Hebe by Jackie. I don’t recall seeing it before.
We have a few – that is probably the best photo, though. Thank you very much, Rosaliene
Of course my favourite illustration is ‘The dingy tenement inhabited by Miss Tox’ … and purple is the colour of my dreams, thank you Jackie, for the Violas ..
My pleasure Ivor.
Thanks very much, Ivor
I am spoilt , a response from you and Jackie 😀🌏
I am glad that you were able to brighten my day with Mr Keeping’s inimitable portrayal of colorful characters, albeit rendered in black and white, in spite of your technological challenges.
In contrast, Jackie’s contribution is cheerfully colorful.
Thank you very much from us both, Dolly
You are very welcome, both of you.
I wonder if the culinary queen Jackie might share her recipe for Yorkshire Pudding on one of your blogs. I lost mine and the one I used last night just wasn’t the same. More of a baked pancake than a Yorkshire pudding. It tasted fine but the consistency was off. 😟. I would be very grateful!
Actually the Culinary Queen buys Yorkshire pudding from Tesco or other supermarkets because they are good and save her time for the rest of the cooking. Thanks a lot, AnneMarie
Thank you, Derrick. I will just have to go through more of my recipe boxes. 😊
Beautiful photos, Derrick. I hope you get some rest this evening.
Thanks very, Jill
I much preferred just endlessly shuffling paper piles around a desk.
Yes, indeed, Gary. Thanks very much
Your garden is a never ending labor of love and beauty. I don’t want to think about how many photos I have on my laptop.
Every so often I thin my pics out a bit – not often enough. Thanks very much, JoAnna
Still so many beautiful flowers in your gardens going into late October!
The illustrations are still enjoyable, especially ‘Mr Dombey stood in his library’. That does make a nice triptych!
Thank you very much, Lavinia
That cat! It’s expression is priceless. The enduring colors in your garden still are quite pleasing. Good of them to bloom in such nice combinations, too. The lavenders and peach-like tones are especially nice.
Thank you very much, Linda.
Love the triptych! And the kitty cat! Mr. Keeping never disappoints! 🙂
What amazing photographs, Jackie! Crow in the beech tree…and Virginia Creeper are my faves today! 🙂 And I always love spotting owls! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…Glad you got your reconditioned computer and got to spend time with it…sounds like a lot of work! And I’m sure Jackie is patient and was sympathetic to your cries. 🙂
Thank you very much from us both, Carolyn X
The ingenious triptych is quite ingenious, and I like the little cat, too. Jackie’s garden photos are wonderful. I love all the color, but the crow stood out for me, and I also like the red Virginia creeper against the white.
Good luck with your photos and computer, Derrick. WP likes to cause problems.
Thanks very much, Merril – from us both
You are both welcome.
Hi Derrick, I really do like your illustrations. The black and white line drawings are very effective and eye catching.
Thanks very much, Robbie
Glad the reconditioned computer is back in your hands. It is frustrating how quickly electronics get glitchy. I am using a laptop now that replaced my older glitchy one, but this one is not satisfactory. The keyboard is off, it’s too heavy, etc. But now that I’ve purchased it, I’ve got to use it till it dies. I should have tried harder to keep my old one running, the way you did. The colours from the garden are outstanding. A constant joy.
Thank you so much, Crystal
Your garden is glorious with such amazing colors for this time of the year! I store my photos are an external hard drive. Wow! 45,000 photos are amazing.
Going back more than 60 years
I’m impressed.
Sounds like you had your work cut out!
Indeed. Thanks very much, Sue
Flowers still? So close to November?
And I’m still in sockless sandals. That Morning Glory is ridiculous – it had refused to flower all summer. Thanks a lot, Brian
Sockless sandals? In October. Goodness gracious. Is that still legal?
I have never got through to November with such exposure before – there are signs that I still won’t. Thanks a lot, Brian
My goodness, those garden photos are stunning. Jackie’s ability to keep the whole yard looking fresh and colorful throughout the whole growing season is always a marvel to me.
So sorry about the computer woes, Derrick. I know it’s frustrating getting started all over again.
All seems smooth now, Jodie. Thanks very much from us both
Nowadays technology is not always so straight forward 😆
The garden is still wonderful 🌸🌸
Thanks very much, Ribana 🙂
Technology is getting complicated to the point of sickening a normal user. We are all supposed to be a computer nerd or a coder. Back in 1999 or so, I could have set up a Linux server complete with networked nodes, but I don’t feel like doing something as complicated when I am merely writing a simple post and appending a picture now. Unfortunately, WordPress has been the worst of offenders, to the point that it has begun feeling like an ancient system that used vacuum tubes. Sorry for the rant on the exquisite collection of photos and scans.
I find the rant very supportive, Uma. Thank you very much.