Saufiene arrived at noon with two experts to complete the measurements for the home improvements. After this I visited Le Code Bar and had a beer with David. I had not realised that they were not providing lunch today because of another private party in the evening. However, my friend invited me to join him and Francois for a meal at Che’paou. He insisted on paying, and the two men explained the significance of the name of this restaurant. It means ‘I don’t know where’, being an onomatopoeic rendering of ‘Je ne sais pas ou’. Yet another reason for our burgeoning friendship. I enjoyed steak and chips which matched those of Max.
Marie runs an excellent haberdashery in Sigoules’ newer shopping square. When I went to collect some dry cleaning from her I witnessed another service she provides. Seated around a couple of tables in her tiny shop was a bevy of elderly women and one small girl engaged in knitting and sewing. This reminded me of Tess’s ‘Stitch and Bitch’ evenings in The Village Shop (see 12th May 2012) in Upper Dicker. Chris, the one male member of this group, used to darn his socks improvising a mushroom from an orange. That is until Jackie provided him with the real thing.
Passing through rue De La Fon Close, the older shopping area, I walked the La Briaude loop. As I leant into it, a chill wind pierced my clothing; tore at the as yet bare vines, rattling their tags; and sent a variety of withered leaves scuttling after each other along the road.
Although closed, David and Frederick called me into the bar to watch the England Scotland rugby match. I needed no second bidding.
I might have to use “Upper Dicker”in a story.
That would be great Susanne. At least it isn’t Lower Dicker.
Oh, the places we could go playing with this name!