Platinum Shine

I had a bit of a lazy day today.  The morning was spent getting back into Henri Troyat’s ‘Grandeur Nature’, which translates as ‘life size’.

Mare and foalJackie then drove us to Totton to buy a second garden chair.  She hadn’t quite had enough money with her to buy two yesterday when she acquired the first.

As we emerged from the garden onto Upper Drive, we disturbed a mare and her foal.  The adult pony was keen to shield her infant from our gaze, whilst the baby metaphorically clung to its mother’s skirts, anxiously tripping over itself to keep pace. The mare led the way into the bracken in an attempt to steer clear of me.

56 Frys Lane

Then it was next stop Frys (no apostrophe) Lane in Everton for the first of two external observations of potential eventual purchases. Hare Lane house Number 56 looked to me the better option, although the semi-detatched house in Hare Lane, New Milton that was the second, was also acceptable.  The baying of a hound next door in Frys Lane was a little disconcerting.

Jackie's garden

Back at home we sat in the garden marvelling at how mature Jackie’s planting now looks. Hanging baskets It is as if she has transported the hanging baskets and pots from The Firs to Castle Malwood Lodge.

Petunias and others

As tenants we are allowed neither pets nor children in residence although either are welcome to visit.  That suits us fine.  However, many of the flats in the house are owned by their occupiers.  A number have dogs.  Some of these bark.  Some a lot.

As we sit in our corner of the garden, we see the owners walking their pets, and they often come and have a chat with us.  A frequent visitor is Jean who has until quite recently been subject to considerable embarrassment because her dog barked a great deal.  It was impossible for her to have a comfortable discourse because Nevis, her Coton du Tulear, would bark all the way through.  She has, however, been working very hard on this, and today we  enjoyed a lengthy conversation with Nevis looking his usual happy, friendly self, and not barking once.  Congratulations were in order, and we gave them.

Platinum shine car washOn 31st May I wrote about Eleanor and Henry, our resourceful young neighbours.  This evening they buzzed our entryphone to gain access to our side of the building in order to distribute leaflets for their ‘Platinum Shine Car Wash’.  I happily granted them admission.

Soon afterwards Jackie, resisting the temptation to produce roast pork, served up her smoked haddock dish with cauliflower cheese (recipe) and sautéed potatoes.  Delicious.  The cheese produces a lovely tangy flavour, which meant the last glass of the Berberana was not an inappropriate accompaniment.


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