A Day In The Life Of A Tulip


Our own cowslips are now rivalling those in Downton Lane, and in parts are tall enough to force their way through the not yet flowering geraniums.


The long-pile erigeron welcome mat outside the patio doors is beginning to reveal its woven floral motif.


We also have more tulips opened out. In the daytime that is.

Like many sun-loving plants, tulips close up at night. None were awake early this morning, although it was likely that the pink striped yellow ones, not yet open yesterday, would reveal their inner secrets to the sun when it warmed them later.Tulips 1

Tulips 2

By mid-day their peeled back protective petals presented their shy stamens to the light.

Tulips 3Tulips 4

As the sun departed their corner of the garden during the afternoon, the plants gradually closed, their centres snugly enshrouded for the night.

Flo continued her avian photography.

Long tailed tit

She caught a long-tailed tit contemplating the suet balls;

Collared dove

her friend, the collared dove, quizzically tilted his head to her;


and an airborne robin imitated a humming bird.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s luscious chicken and egg jalfrezi, egg fried rice, vegetable samosas and naans. The same beverages as yesterday were imbibed, except that Jackie drank sparkling water.


  1. I know what Flo wants for her next birthday/Christmas present. The hummingbird effect is amazing, how did she do it?

  2. So delighted to see Erigeron daisies in your garden –I have them too in Sydney, Australia. In fact it tries to take over; a vigorous weed! Tulips, now, that’s something else – only inside a florist’s window.

  3. I love wandering through your garden almost as much as I love wandering through my own. What a difference in everything! Cowslips . . . I wonder if they would grow in New Jersey? Love them!

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