Hues Of Blue

On this day, with temperatures around 30 degrees, according to the meteorologists, because of a shift in the jet stream, we are enjoying ‘Spanish weather’.

In case any of my commenters have missed Becky’s observation on yesterday’s post, this is what she added to it this morning: ‘Wow. What lovely followers you have, Dad. x’

Rose - red A small red rose standing in a tub by our front door, and requiring more space, will eventually be transplanted to the rose garden. Taking her first outing since her knee operation, Jackie drove me to the surgery at Milford on Sea, for me to hand in a repeat prescription request. We met Giles in the car park, and had a short conversation. Feeling confident enough to return home without an escort, my chauffeuse, dropped me near the Beach House hotel, and I walked back by the cliff top/Shorefield route. Whilst I was enjoying myself, Jackie continued to Tesco’s for a shop, and watered the hanging baskets on her return, thus saving me that latter task. ThistleConvolvulus

Thistles and convolvulus twinkled in the hedgerows.

Sunlight on The Solent

Sunlight glistened on The Solent’s various hues of blue,

Fence and Solent

its passing vessels, and their wake.

Footpath down cliff

You would need to wander down this cliff path to encounter the dog this woman was walking by the breakwater.


I am not really up to descending to the water’s edge, so was unable to warn the fairly numerous swimmers risking a skewering by the WW2 hazards.

Couple on beach with dogs

Elsewhere sun-tans were sought.

By late afternoon, many of the baskets needed a further soaking. I rendered minimal assistance with this.

Hoverfly on clematis Comtesse de Bouchardclematis Comtesse de Bouchard

A hoverfly, sheltered by a higher bloom in full sun, flanked by budding guards, investigated the flower of clematis Comtesse de Bouchard.

This evening we dined on fillet steak on a bed of onions, garlic, peppers, and mushrooms; chips; and runner beans; followed by mixed fruit crumble and custard. Jackie drank Hoegaarden, whilst I imbibed Louis de Camponac cabernet sauvignon 2014.


  1. Wow; Jackie is driving already? Btw, can’t you drive? I enjoyed the heat of that sun in your pics. It’s rather cold here at 6am; 12ºC and drizzling.

  2. The clematis Comtesse de Bouchard looks like she is wearing ruching. How elegant. And, the water is so, so blue. I don’t think I have seen it that color except in the tropics.

  3. The sea looks so inviting on these hot summer days we are suddenly enjoying. Do people not see the warning signs about the WW2 hazards? Summer certainly looks to be blooming lovely in your part of the world – I like bindweed as a wild flower even though it is a nightmare to deal with if it gets into the garden.

    1. Thank you for these comments, Peggy. I don’t see how the swimmers could miss the large poster-boards. There is one at the top of each set of steps. Only one bears the photographs, though.

      1. Yes, it can be surprising how people don’t see warning signs. In the summer, we hear regularly of people being caught out by the tide as they cross the causeway to Lindisfarne.

  4. More fabulous photos. I could feel myself trekking down that hill slope to that very quaint little beach. The colours are softer than what we have in Sydney, even in Winter but very alluring xx Rowena

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