Poppy’s Baptism

Dump haul

This morning we took the remnants of the wheelbarrows photographed yesterday to the Efford Recycling Centre. As usual, we returned with more than we dumped. Today’s haul was two sets of wrought iron gates, a lawn aerator, and a mirror. Can anyone guess what the gates are for?

Chris NZ, Kate, Matt, Poppy, Tess, Jackie, Claire, JoMatt, Tess and PoppyDerrick, Jackie and Poppy

This afternoon Jackie drove us to Mat and Tess’s home in Upper Dicker for Poppy’s Baptism. We gathered with other relatives in their flat above the village shop, then went outside for group photographs on the village green, before proceeding to Holy Trinity Parish Church for the ceremony. Naturally the infant in whose honour we had assembled had a good cry, thus delaying the making of pleasant photographs. Many local friends turned out for the occasion.

In the group photo above, Tess’s sister in law, Kate and her husband Chris are to our left of Matthew, Jackie peers round Tess’s mother Claire, and Jo, one of the godparents stands on our right.

Rev David Farey playing guitar

It is not often that an Anglican Christening is begun by a guitar-playing vicar leading the singing of Amazing Grace, but that is what the reverend David Farey gave us today. When he performed the baptism he was compelled to raise his voice to combat Poppy’s yelling.


Back at the shop we enjoyed Tess’s usual high standard of catering. We were given pizzas, sausage rolls, quiches, crisps, and a deliciously moist iced fruit cake made by Tess’s mother Claire, who had come from New Zealand to help out for a while. She had also made Poppy’s silk dress.

Cake cuttingToasting Poppy

Tess led the toasts, and we all enjoyed conversation for a hour or so.

Our return journey was hampered by the A27 being closed in two places, necessitating long diversions. Our ex coach driver friend, Barrie, had provided us with a very entertaining CD offering a pretty route to Upper Dicker, but as this would take us up to two hours longer to make the journey, we didn’t try it today, although it is possible that our diversions overlapped with some of it.


  1. Are the gates for climbing roses or to stop Poppy from wandering? 🙂 Beautiful baby, happy pics and I’d like a slice of that fruit cake!

  2. I caught the Antipodean connection – does this mean we are related? Beautiful babies who make a fuss at their christenings are usually bound for great things I am told. The shawl looks very much like one I made for my babies, what a delight to see! I think the gates are for something pretty to climb on too – or [hedging my bets] the bottom of the drive ……… Did you see the game yet?

  3. “The vicar in a tutu
    He’s not strange
    He just wants to live his life this way”

    –“Vicar In A Tutu”, Morrissey.

    Hope it wasn’t his crooning what made Poppy wail. She is a doll, though vociferous. I’m certain she has all your hearts in her hands.

    1. Thank you Oscar. The reverend gentleman made a point of saying he was glad he hasn’t caused the wailing, because it was already under way when he began. 🙂

  4. It looks like a great day – for some reason, I expect to see Dawn French behind the guitar-playing vicar…
    I do like those old gates, whatever they end up being used for….

  5. A wonderful occasion! May Poppy have a long and wonderful life, and let’s hope, given her blood, that she wailed for England and is now cheering for the All Black!.

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