The Run Up To Christmas


Such is the speed of light changes, especially at this time of the year, that, in the two minutes it took me to sling on a dressing gown, get downstairs, and grab the camera this morning, the completely red dawn sky had streaked, but still looked dramatic.

Christmas tree

Today the usual division of labour between Jackie and me applied as we continued the run up to Christmas. The creatively practical member of the partnership decorated the tree, and the administrator wrote the cards.

Christmas lights 1

Santa Christmas lights

The last collection is at 4.45 p.m. As I walked to the post box in the dark, I noticed that a couple of our neighbours have also festooned their facades with festive lights.

This evening we dined at The Royal China restaurant in Lymington, where we enjoyed our usual plentiful meal with very friendly service. We both drank Tsingtao beer.

Christmas 'tree'

I also had the opportunity to photograph the ‘Christmas tree’ formed from lights forming   streamers suspended from a star-topped maypole. I had forgotten my camera when we were here yesterday.


  1. I don’t do Christmas so it’s amusing for me to observe the frenzy around me this time of year. 🙂 You don’t put on a dressing gown and keep a red dawn waiting, Derrick!

  2. It is so amazing that the lights twinkle so dramatically at 4.45 in the afternoon! I took Siddy for a walk at 10pm the other evening – just approaching twilight……….. The tree looks beautiful and I’m sure you wrote the cards very nicely! Happy Christmas Derrick and Jackie xoxo

  3. You know how to run up to Christmas in all the best ways! The decorated tree looks pretty, Jackie, the cards will arrive safely on time, Derrick and congrats on finding a lovely sunrise and beautiful Christmas tree after yummy Chinese dinner. I have been craving General Tso’s for a month now. 🙂

      1. It is one of my favorite Chinese dishes at many restaurants in the U.S. it has broccoli, sweet and sour sauce with some “kick” or spice in it. I see red chili peppers in yhe sauce. Usually chicken is served with rice. I like instead of egg roll as a side, instead I choose crab rangoon. I have seen it spelled Zso or Tso. Not sure if it is Americanizing Chinese? Smiles, Robin

      2. Smiling and glad you have a sense of calmness in your “presence” here on wordpress. Derrick, I just know all will be merry and bright at your special celebration! 🙂

  4. So pretty! 🙂 absolutely love that tree. 🙂 I don’t think you can have too many fairy lights. M surprised me by decorating the whole front of the house with them while I was away, even though no one can see it but us here in the middle of nowhere. This weekend we shall do a night drive into town to see what others have done, I hope they’re as pretty as your photos! 🙂

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