The Vacant Chair

Jackie, Becky and Ian

After two hectic days we slobbed around all morning.

Ian took Scooby out for a walk this afternoon whilst Jackie, Becky, and I took the opportunity of once more crying ‘We’ve seen this one’ as we watched Downton Abbey – The Grand Finale, in which everyone lived happily ever after. To complete the picture, imagine me seated in the vacant chair opposite my laptop.

Yesterday’s curries, accompanied by Becky’s savoury rice, provided this evening’s dinner. The same beverages were drunk.


      1. Yeah right! In 1985 I watched “Days of Our Lives” and Kimberly’s baby was abducted. In 2015 they’re still looking for the baby and I still need the tissues.

  1. Thank you for not spoiling the end of Downton as I haven’t seen it yet……… Now, could you not set a timer for candid shots so we can see you busily blogging in your favourite chair? We watched ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ AGAIN this Christmas. I’m pretty sure some family members can quote whole excerpts of it!

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