Knighton Park Revisited

In my counselling practice I would sometimes continue working with people who could not afford my fee. This may have been because their circumstances had changed, and it seemed wrong to me to stop a course of help because of this. A token fee was then charged until their finances looked up again.

Quite a number of years ago it became clear that one person would never be able to pay. I waived the fee ‘until his circumstances changed’. What then happened was that he would bring me the occasional kind present.The Bicentennial Man001

I am not a fan of science fiction. He was. So I have a few unread paperbacks in my library. One of these is ‘The Bicentennial Man’, a collection of stories on robotics by Isaac Azimov. The most prolific Azimov has the reputation of an icon of the genre. Another recent cue has prompted me to open this 1978 Panther paperback. It is such prompts that help me select reading from my collection.

The first three tales have held my attention enough to think I might persevere. Watch this space.

Early this afternoon, Jackie drove Becky and me to Knighton Park for another look at the crazy Christmas lights.

Knighton Park garden 1

This time I focussed more on the gardens. Many exhibits, like the Santa in the box on the right, repeated recorded carols and other Christmas sounds.

Becky in Knighton Park garden 1

Some of the characters, like the snowman with whom Becky is conversing here, were set in motion, and in voice, at the press of a button which visitors were encouraged to administer.

Becky and others in Knighton Park garden 1Becky, Jackie and others in Knighton Park garden 1Knighton Park garden 4Little girl in Knighton Park garden 1

Along the side of the terrace, our daughter was in competition with a smaller young lady in the queue to activate other displays.

Little girl in Knighton Park garden 2

The child patiently awaited her turn to set the snowmen going.

Knighton Park garden 2

Perpetual snow fell on the snowman in this lamp,

Knighton Park garden 3

and various cribs were surrounded by other symbols of the season.

Knighton Park garden 5

Father Christmas sheltered a pair of carol singers whose voices were enhanced by a sonorous giant snowman.

Knighton Park garden 6

The magical scene was well worth the £5 I stuffed into the Charity Collection Box.

This evening we dined at Lal Quilla where we received the usual excellent food and friendly, efficient service, accompanied by Kingfisher beer. We were given excellent quality desk diaries and key rings containing bottle openers.


  1. An amazing place – just think of how many hours it took to set this display up. Bartering in trade, a great concept and your professional help for the person will never be forgotten. Happy New Years Derrick and Jackie!

  2. I know how you feel about sci-fi. I never liked it at all but then I found that Asimov was writing not about some future world but more parables about the now world. I think!.

  3. How very kind of you Derrick, waivering your fee for those people in need. I applaud you, not many people would do this.

  4. I enjoyed this trip through such a wonderful place with decorations, lights, toys and beautiful expressions on children’s faces. I am blessed with the photograph of the patient little girl. Just imagine how someday Poppy will come and see this marvelous display. ♡

  5. By the way, my Dad was a nuclear engineer who worked at NASA, who respected Isaac Asimov’s scientific knowledge and creative spirit. He liked Carl Sagan but felt he was meant to be in television since he was a “showman.” I don’t like science fiction but I admire good writing. 🙂

  6. You’re very kind to waive the fee for those in need Derrick. Their appreciation for your kindness? Priceless. <3
    The Christmas decorations look fantastic!

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