Take Pride In A Roaring Success

Here is the Mission Statement of The Lions Club of Bournemouth:

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organisation with 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in over 200 countries.

Lions are men and women who volunteer their time for humanitarian causes. Founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones, our motto is “We Serve.”

More information can be found on www.bournemouthlions.org.uk/

Our friends Barrie and Vicki Haynes are respectively President and Vice-President of this local branch.

Kinson Community Centre

This afternoon, Jackie drove us to Kinson, a suburb of Bournemouth, where this group put on their annual pantomime. Written, as usual, by Barrie this was the hugely entertaining ‘Polly the Pirate’, which took place in the Kinson Community Centre.


While Jackie and I were waiting for the start, we were entertained by an engaging conversation with the intelligent and friendly six year old Tilly who sat in front of us and had come dressed for the occasion. Note her awesome, cool, skull T-shirt.

Barrie as Ella the Pirate 1

Proceedings were opened by Barrie, who laid out the general ground rules, such as that when he appeared as Ella everyone was required to shout out the he was a fella.

Polly the Pirate scene 1

Polly the Pirate scene 2

Barrie as Ella the Pirate 2Barrie as Ella the Pirate 3Polly the Pirate scene 3

Curtain up and he was joined on stage by the rest of the cast who performed with glorious gusto.


Hawk introduced the second act,

Polly the Pirate scene 4

which rollicked along.

Barrie's legs

I am reliably informed that young ladies no longer wear tights, but I do remember the days when nail varnish came in handy in the case of a ladder. It is hoped that someone remembered that before Barrie/Ella trod the boards for this evening’s performance.

Polly the Pirate scene 5Polly the Pirate scene 6Polly the Pirate scene 7Polly the Pirate scene 8Polly the Pirate scene 9Polly the Pirate scene 10Polly the Pirate scene 11Polly the Pirate scene 12Polly the Pirate scene 13

The audience, being a matinee, had its fair share of the very young,

Audience participation

who, as is customary, were encouraged by Barrie into a singalong, in which the mayor and his lady joined.


The finale received rapturous applause,

Vicki announces raffle winners.

and Vicki closed by reading the winning numbers of the interval raffle.

I understand there are just 18 members of the Bournemouth Branch. They must all have been in service today; on stage, back-stage, or front of house. These lions should take pride in a roaring success.

This evening Jackie and I dined at The Royal China in Lymington. Jackie had dumplings for a starter, for which I had hot and sour soup; we then shared special rice, special chow mein, and king prawns in ginger and spring onions. We both drank Tsingtao beer.


  1. What a rollicking time! Made me laugh out loud to look at the pictures, and I had to call in my husband Clif so that he could see, too.

  2. Looks like you had a great time. I must confess I hate pantomimes with a passion, the few times I was forced to go to one I loathed every second. At least yours was in a good cause.

    1. Many thanks, Eric. One little 3 year old had to be taken out when two pirates came down and grabbed a boy from the audience. He was a plant who you will see on stage enjoying himself in role

  3. I don’t get pantomime but it looks like a lot of fun. You were lucky to have Tilly to warm up the show for you 🙂 Btw I love hot and sour soup too.

  4. I have never seen a pantomime but it looks like rollicking good fun. Surprised that no-one has yet taken you to task for: “These lions should take pride in a roaring success”. Slipped that in and got away with it, it seems? I was in drama club in high school and loved it. One time we did an Aussie Romeo and Juliet where the families were feuding because one supported Aussie Rules and the Rugby League – two different football codes. We needed to extend the script by half an hour or so, and the group round table brainstorming writing session was the funniest thing!

  5. What fun and for a great cause, as well! We have a few Lion’s Clubs here in the U.S., too. Oh, that pirate girl with her “cool, awesome” shirt is adorable. ☠ ⚓️ ☠

  6. I wear tights! Who doesn’t wear tights? Where did this rumour start?! I’d never heard of the Lions until now, Derrick, but I love their aims. Could definitely do with a few more lions all about.

  7. I was a member of the Lions Club (women’s division) in Delaware, Ohio. We collected glasses and saved money yo donate for eyesight. What a clever idea of a philanthropic project: theater and performances extraordinary, Derrick! 🙂
    I enjoy hot and sour soup and your prawns sound delicious ginger and spring onions, Derrick.

  8. I always think that local pantomimes are so much more enjoyable than big theatre productions with stars in them. The audience participation is so much better. Before it closed down, I used to go to The Bent Brief Pub’s annual show which had locals and Uni students cast together in well-scripted satires from Red Riding Hood to Tartuffe.

  9. So good to see the amateur dramatics in action! Looks like great fun was had by all – and for a good cause! Great photos Derrick. Thanks for sharing – brings back the memories of my Drama Training at Exeter College in the 70’s – ah…great times! 🙂

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