Last night Becky and Alda returned to Emsworth, while Mat, Tess, and Poppy stayed the night, returning to their home just after mid-day.
Aaron continued his painting of the woodwork on the stairs and landing.
During the morning we spoke about the UK Citizenship Test which Tess passed on 5th September, 2014. This is the Government examination that working age immigrants wishing to become British citizens are required to pass with a mark of at least 75%.
I had expressed the opinion that many UK born people would fail this test.
In order to obtain Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, or naturalisation as a British citizen, candidates have to answer 24 questions in the 45 minutes allowed. These are based on chapters 1-5 of a handbook third edition 2013 “Life in the UK Handbook 3rd Edition: A Guide for New Residents” and it is still valid for 2016 exams. is just one of the websites offering test questions. These are all multiple choice, and the time-span generous . We jointly had a go at them this morning. Later this afternoon, over six sample tests I scored an average of 81%, the lowest of which was 75%. Had that lowest one been my only chance, I would have scraped in by the skin of my teeth. Jackie also rated 81%.
How would you do? Should you be interested you could find out by logging on to the site.
After lunch I watched recordings of yesterday’s first two matches in the Six Nations Rugby tournament. These were Italy v, France, and England v. Scotland. in case anyone has yet to view them, I will make no further observation.
This evening we dined on pizza and salad, followed by custard tart. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the bourgogne.
I got 18/24 so just scraped in as well!
Thanks, Pauline
I got 75% – the answers were easy to guess if one didn’t know simply by picking (as was often the case) the most PC answer. The test had little to do with knowledge – it was gauging whether or not one was a bigot!
Yep. Thanks, Bruce
I failed; bad luck. All my guesses were wrong though I took a minute to answer them 🙂 The message is loud and clear; you only want Christians.
Australians used to give undesirables like Chinese a questionnaire in an obscure language (not English) just to make sure they fail.
One of the questions is about Eid!! Thanks, Mary
Pepperoni pizza?
Cheeses and ham. Thanks, Alex
Failed, 70%.
I was lucky. But you makke my point. Thanks, Inese
You know more than I do obviously 🙂
I think that in most of countries the applicants are required to pass a Citizenship exam. I had to sing a National Anthem once to complete the requirements. Do they ask it in Britain?
I think they do. I am told non-Christians rhubarb the opening line
I would definitely need to study the booklet, since I failed the test!
Thanks, Cynthia. Wouldn’t we all
Hmm. We have a test in the US that focuses on civics and government and a bit of history. A couple years ago a magazine put it up on line for people to do what you have done. The challenge was the same–could those with the privilege of birth do as well as the immigrant? I took it with some trepidation, but remembered all my civics and history and was quite pleased. Didn’t manage to get into yours, but probably wouldn’t do as well on it!
I’ve taken that US test also and got a perfect score. Back in the dark ages when I was in grammar school, Civics was a very important subject, and in High School, American History was a required course. (Though probably somewhat differently told than the politically correct revisionist course of today!)
I got A(dvanced) Level history at school, but failed on some of those questions. Maybe you have a better memory, Cynthia
Well done, Lisa. Thanks
And I thought I was doing so well…failed with 70%. I better go study. 🙂
I shouldn’t bother, Jill. Thanks
I had the same realisation when I became Canadian citizen. 🙂
Thanks, Widdershins
It tested my knowledge of trivia rather than Britain – did five tests and averaged over 90% so I can stay. 😉
You should be on Mastermind, Quercus. Thanks
It’s like a lot of these things – I’m good when I’m sitting comfortably at home and nobody asks me about sport or music. 😉
I’m a failure too, given the nature of the questions I shan’t lose too much sleep over it though. 🙂
I shouldn’t Bianca. Thanks
I took it and failed too – geez!
Thanks, Mary. I think some questons are very difficult
I did about 5 of the papers the % ranged from 87 to 97%. I think that anyone who does not have an interest in British politics, British history or has not lived in England for 10 years would find these extremely difficult.
You bet, Sol. Thanks
Let’s see… I read UK based news and news blogs (some biases are less ungood) and I was raised in the British Commonwealth but I would not dare try it. It’s a neat game, though, Derrick. Great for one of your lovely dinner parties. Deprive guests of tea/beverage sips if they miss one.
Thanks, Sabiscuit
Thankfully, I passed both the tests I tried, averaging 91%. This would probably weaken the more tests tried, so I quit while ahead. Some of the questions are ridiculous. Actually, most of them are. Interesting link though, Derrick.
Thanks, Jenny. Mastermind for you, too
I did four of the tests and averaged 87% but it would have been less had I not remembered some of the answers I’d already gotten wrong as they are repeated and reworded. It’s not a great way to assess whether people should be permitted to stay. I like the idea of using it as a party quiz as mentioned above though. Might put some people’s gap at a peep before passing judgements. 🙂
Thanks, Anne-Marie
I thought the test was rather clever in that, as scottishmomus mentioned, some of the questions were reworded so the taker couldn’t help put learn the correct answers as they traveled through the test. Do I remember this correctly from last night, Derrick, that the Isle of Man is not considered to be part of Britain or did I dream that last night?
Thanks, Ginene. it is not part of Britain, but a dependency of the Crown with independent administration. We had to look that up ourselves
I rushed through two pages and got 79% so i passed but the questions seemed to be either tricky history ( I am not good at dates) or oddly easy – do dogs have to wear wellies in public?! Good that I will be allowed back later in the year as long as no one saw me in the pub cheering on Ireland in the pub yesterday!
Thanks, Geoff. I agree. The dates questions are too much. Bad luck for Ireland
Busy working and half watching how England are doing right now
Don’t tell me. I have to wait for tonight’s highlights. 🙂
OK – I won’t say if you should chill the champagne or get out the Horlicks
I am a citizen of the USA and we have a similar test that focuses on civics, government, and a bit of history. I think the test is ludicrous to say the least and I know anyone who didn’t take American government as a child doesn’t have a chance of passing.
Thanks, MSW. I wonder how the politicians would do
I averaged 91% on two pages and quit before I embarrased myself. I need to read more about British slavery, but thankfully got all the female emancipation questions right.
It was quite unnerving, I can’t help but think lots of British people would struggle with this test.
They sure would