Particularly Partial To A Love Knot

Today will apparently be the last warm and sunny day for a week, so, naturally it was spent pottering in the garden.

Crab apple blossom


At the front two crab apple trees are blossoming,

Saxifrage 1

Front bed

and the saxifrages and other plants are beginning to decorate the stone edging which we hope they will soon festoon. Between the daffodils and the red tulips can be seen interesting ones that have yet to reveal their hues. We thinned out, and separated the libertia, one of which can be seen beside the drainpipe. Another cherry is blooming at top right.


Raised pots are employed to give height (and enable us to see the flowers, such as these violas filling a hanging basket, from our sitting room whilst still seated).

Castle Bench from path alongside North Breeze

The back path between the Brick Path and North Breeze affords an interesting perspective on the Castle Bench. In the distance at top left can be seen the new leaves on the beech tree. There is always a possibility that a colourful bin for collecting up weeds will find its way into the picture. I prefer to leave them as found. It is, of course, a working garden.


Tulips are still emerging on the back drive.

Butterfly Small White on onesty

One busy Small White butterfly dashed from honesty to honesty. It was difficult to keep tabs on it. Can you?

Clematis Montana arch 1Clematis Montana arch 3Clematis Montana arch 2

Here are three more angles on the clematis Montana arch employed yesterday.


These statuesque euphorbias were widespread throughout the garden. We have thinned them out a bit.

Greenfly on Love Knot Bud

While we sat in the rose garden, I noticed that we were already suffering an invasion of greenfly. They are particularly partial to a Love Knot bud. We set about them with a spray.

This evening we dined at Lymington’s Lal Quilla. We both drank Kingfisher and shared egg fried rice, egg paratha, and onion bhaji. My main meal was king prawn Ceylon; Jackie’s was chicken Haryali. We enjoyed the usual excellent quality food and warm and friendly service.


  1. Lovely photographs. I love the crab apple tree shots as well as those of the smaller flowers. You succeeded in making even the greenfly look appealing 😀

      1. Welcome Derrick. I always look forward to your flower posts everyday although sometimes wordpress makes me miss them by skipping many posts. Now I am more careful and browse slowly until I reach the load more posts option 🙂

  2. You had me looking for ‘love knots’ in every photo until you revealed it as the name of the rose. Trust a cryptic crossword creator to be devious. As for the aphids on the Love Knot, I like to squash them or spray them with homemade ‘white oil’: 500ml water, 5 ml light vegetable oil and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Shake well and spray. Good organic substitute for everything that calls for horticultural/pest oil.

      1. I’ve heard that straight washing-up liquid, diluted, works to keep sap-sucking pests off plants. I wonder if it works by reducing the plants’, or bugs’, stickiness so they can’t grip?

  3. I couldn’t keep up with the butterfly as I became focused on finding an owl. There’s one in the second clematis photo, a small one close by the patch of honesty (?) near the centre of the photo. I’m not sure if there is also a wicker or peat moss owl in the third clematis photo? I may just be turning random objects into owls however 🙂

      1. I impressed myself by identifying it (though more in hope than certainty) on the unenlarged image. Its being pale green, due to the shadowing, is deceptive (Mary remarked on the cryptic-crossword-setter element).

  4. I am with Mary on the use of organic spray and squashing them. I used to plant nasturtium as a ground cover and the aphids would settle on them for preference.Also the nasturtium leaves are great in salads.

  5. You can’t fool me; I know – with my astute eyesight- that what you call “the colourful bin for collecting up weeds” is in fact a large purple peony or a particularly big tulip.

  6. You ALMOST make think of becoming a gardener. Then sloth kicks in, and I’m OK until your next post plonks onto my screen.

  7. Gorgeous pics, Derrick. You have life all worked out- ensuring you get a great view of the flowers from the sitting room while still sitting. That magnolia I planted (okay, I’ll be honest- that my partner planted) is in a spot where if I hang in there for some years, I’ll be able to see it from my desk. I am not sure how long a magnolia takes to grow to full height- let me know if the head gardener knows- at the moment it is about 50 cm tall. If it takes too long to grow tall enough, I’ll have to move my desk 🙂

    1. Many thanks, Mek. It depends on the type. It can be from 6.5 feet to 50 or 60. It may take 10 years to begin flowering. Magnolia stellata will grow no more than 10 feet. Liliiflora negra will grow to 10 metres in 20 years; Soulangeana, the most common, up to 6 metres in 20 years. Google ornamental trees

      1. Thanks Derrick. It is the Little Gem that we have (magnolia Grandiflora). From those estimations, I think I should work on an outdoor seating area to park my computer so I can see it while I work. It is already flowering, so good thing I don’t have to wait for that! Thanks to the head gardener if you had to consult her for that info!

  8. You guys have to be smiling Derrick – the garden is coming alive with gusto and the brilliance of color. Looks very full this year. I did see the white butterfly ~

      1. We have a very old Pear Tree in our front yard. Last evening a storm blew in here and 1/2 of her came roaring down (several hundred pounds of her). The tree service was just here – we may be able to save the other half, all depends on how well he’ll be able to shape her.

  9. I see the new growth on the beech which is a pretty tint. I enjoyed the violas and the cascading flowers crab apple and spotted the cherry blossoms but could not spy the busy white butterfly!
    Your meals sounds quite tasty, Derrick. I like egg fried rice but usually get something sweet and sour or spicy. Smiles, Robin xo

  10. Its amazing when each morning you wake up and admire a garden filled with variety of flowers and it sure fragrances the surrounding you live in – Happy spring to you.

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