Out Of The Corner Of My Eye


Apart from June, August is possibly the best time to appreciate Jackie’s planting design. I wandered around this morning with that specifically in mind.

View from Brick Path 1

This view from the Brick Path takes in the planting of the small triangular bed at the intersection of this path with the Gazebo one. Phlox, pansies, bidens, and violas are in evidence. The cosmoses occupy the iron urn, and the geraniums a stone one. The chimney pot on the grass patch fills in the middle distance en rout to the South end.

View from Brick Path 2

Looking along from the other side, we pass through the Agriframes Arch which bears a new clematis. This latter plant has taken over from the rambling rose, Wedding Day, now spent for this year, and consequently cut back by The Head Gardener.

View along Gazebo Path 1

The cosmoses in the aforementioned  iron urn form the foreground of this view through the gazebo to the Rose Garden. The gazebo bears its own well-stocked hanging baskets. Nicotiana sylvestris and agapanthus can be seen on the left.

View across grass

The contents of the chimney pot on the grass fill the foreground of this view past Florence, also culminating in the Rose Garden. Several hanging baskets supplement the range of blending colours.

View across Margery's Bed

Stepping across to the other side of the grass, we can look across Margery’s Bed with its newly planted lobelias, leading us to the Rose Garden entrance. Lilies can be seen in shade on the right, and clematis Star of India is trained around its obelisk. Hanging baskets are also in view.

View across Weeping Birch Bed

Hanging branches of the Weeping Birch drape its eponymous bed beyond which we reach the Southern fence. The white gladioli glow in the distance. I’ll stop mentioning hanging baskets. You get the picture.

View towards Back Drive entry arch

Again looking to the Southern boundary, beyond a stone urn supplied with begonias and geraniums, on the left of the entry arch to the Back Drive, stand a few potted tomatoes. A white solanum and purple clematis entwine the dead tree by the New Bed.

Rose Garden

Some corners of the Rose Garden need the assistance of plants inserted for the purpose of variety, in order to give them time to begin their next flush.

Rose Garden bench corner

This view takes advantage of the hydrangea in Elizabeth’s Bed. The erigeron at the foot of the bench is another cluster of offspring from those outside the French doors.

Bee on St John's Wort

Before leaving the Rose Garden, I treated myself to one close-up of a bee blending into St Johns Wort.

Kitchen Wall

As I’m not going to mention hanging baskets, I can’t say much about the kitchen wall, except that some of the containers are on the ground or tables that can’t be seen.

Patio Corner

At the far end of the above view lies the patio. Here is a corner of it.

Butterfly Small White in flight

Now, why did I include this out of focus repeat of the second Brick Path view? Well, out of the corner of my right eye I saw something about to happen, panned rapidly across the scene, and made a fortuitous capture which should be visible, in focus, without enlargement. Can you spot it? There’s no shame in enlargement.

Viper's Bugloss

When Giles visited with Jean a couple of days ago, he brought Jackie a couple of viper’s bugloss plants. These grow tall with blue flowers which hold a great attraction for bees. Jackie planted them on the Back Drive this afternoon.

This evening we enjoyed our second sitting of Mr Chatty Man Chan’s Chinese cuisine. Jackie drank Becks and I drank Doom Bar.


  1. I also saw the ‘butterfly’ but nothing ‘happening’.

    A nice tour of the garden today, Derrick. Not like quick snaps before getting back in front of the television 🙂

    One question: what is that tree on the right of the rose garden entrance? The weepy ferny one with the new greens? I can’t make out the details.

  2. The white butterfly is very clearly caught making morning rounds Derrick – most impressive speed response!! The garden is abundantly beautiful. Jackie has created something quite special and completely magical! I enjoy my early morning wanders over coffee thanks to your lens. xo

  3. A moth! I wondered why you – the photographer extraordinaire – included a seemingly out of focus picture. You have good eyes!

  4. I’ve been away from blogs for so long that I have missed your whole garden season up till now. What I see here is spectacular! What an oasis. It’s hardly related to the garden you started with years ago. If I ever make it to your part of the world, I would beg to sit on a bench and soak it up in real life. You and Jackie have created a magical restorative place.

  5. I do love Becks.
    But back to flowers, and the garden which is incredible. I’d love to see an overhead shot of the garden, looking down so I can see the design. Perhaps you have posted a drawing in a previous post?

      1. Holy Moley – I clicked on that link right away. Your place is huge! My excuse has always been, my yard is so big that I can’t make it all pretty at once, But yours is stunning everywhere! And the hanging baskets – Half of mine have had mercy plantings into the ground by now. They were so very sad at my lack of attention that the only kind thing was to shove them into the dirt somewhere. : (

  6. I did see the lovely butterfly floating across the picture of the archway (right?). Beautiful brick pathways that are really showcasing all the hard work you guys put into the garden – a very special collection of photographs Derrick. I’ve been absent lately do to an injured shoulder, hope to be back more regularly later in the week (no art for two weeks – I’m in need of a walk through your garden).

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