In A Different Light


The car was repaired this morning and passed its M.O.T. test whilst it was at it. We therefore celebrated with a drive to Keyhaven and back.

Barnes Lane

The outward trip was via Barnes Lane and Milford on Sea.

The tide was far out. Without water on which to float, the damaged boat, Blue Dawn, lurched even more than it had a couple of days ago.

Hurst Castle, its lighthouse, and the recumbent hulk that is the Isle of Wight were all more clearly visible.

There were fewer birds about. Tinkling of the wind chimes in the yachts’ rigging replaced the honking of geese and the squabbling of seagulls.


Like a lofted shuttlecock, a helicopter whirred overhead.

Leaving Jackie in the car, I walked along the pebbled shore, past the paddling birds near the castle, and round the bend as the sea wall makes way for a coastal footpath.

Dog white

Spotting a potential passage through the undergrowth to the promenade, I pushed through it. On the upper level I was warned off by a big beautiful beast. Scaling a slope with vociferous open jaws ahead of me and brambles encircling my legs, I was loath to miss a photo opportunity, although not in complete control of the framing. Clearly no stranger to the camera lens, my subject sheathed its fangs and adopted an angelic expression. My canine friend at last obeyed its master’s voice, and caught up with him and his more obedient companion, whilst I made my way back to the car in the opposite direction, there to

bid farewell to waders and gulls. The apparently preening cygnet is in fact a stray buoy.

It is fair to say that we had achieved our aim to see Keyhaven in a different light.

This evening we dined on lean beef burgers, new potatoes, and crunchy cauliflower, followed by blackberry, apple, and plum crumble with vanilla ice cream. I finished the Côte du Rhone.


  1. That is the dog that bit my ankle when I was 13! The exact dog! I don’t know how it’s still alive and off to live in another part of the world . . . . Good news on the car. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tide so far out that boats were stranded. Not sure where I’ve been my whole life.

  2. Loose dogs are the reason I demur when friends want to go cycling in the country (that and menacing drivers). Glad the dog relented on being photographed. Probably thought it was another mug shot…Otherwise, looks as though you had a lovely day. I like the look of that castle.

  3. Interesting scenes and lighting as autumn heads toward winter. I particularly liked the final row of photos–the buoy does look like a “preening cygnet.” 🙂 I’m glad the car was repaired so you and Jackie were able to take the drive.
    The fruit crumble sounds delicious–I also often mix several fruits like that–we’re still eating Thanksgiving leftovers.

  4. I loved the light upon the ripples in the final photographs, Derrick! The dog seemed quite friendly once his teeth were “sheathed.” The birds (sandpipers, possibly?) we’re quite “fetching” in their “cuteness.”
    I am glad you reminded us of the castle and I did spy the lighthouse and was about to inquire about it. Thanks for the beauty and light sent our way! We had a gloomy Saturday but our Sunday is quite sunny, we “caught” your sunshine you sent. xo

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