Tomorrow fibre optic broadband is due to be installed. During recent weeks I have not bored either my readers or myself with details of the continuing struggles I have been engaged on in uploading my photographs to WordPress, save to mention that I spent much of today in grappling with yesterday evening’s images.
As previously mentioned, Ian collected Jackie and me after lunch yesterday, and drove us to Emsworth to join up with Becky for us to drive in convoy to Upper Dicker. Ian then drove me, and Becky drove Jackie.

We left in good time, which was fortuitous, because the journey, already very slow, came to a virtual standstill on the Eastbourne stretch of the A27. Eventually the flashing blue lights of ambulance and police car betrayed that an accident was the cause. It was very dark, rain spattered the windscreen, and Ian and I stared at what we could see of our respective partners’ rears.

Happily, we arrived just in time for the start of what was intended to be carols on the village green. In the event it was so wet and muddy, that most people congregated around the front of The Village Shop. It seemed as if the entire population of Upper Dicker including the full complement of St Bede’s school, was in attendance. The snowflakes effect was the happy result of the camera’s flash fixing on the raindrops. Large umbrellas were much in evidence.
Inside the shop plentiful mulled wine and variations on minced pies were on offer.

Didi, the shop chef, made a splendidly engaging Santa Claus in his grotto that was the garage store room. The story of how we acquired the pictured reindeer is told in ‘Surprise’.

During the singing Poppy perched on her mother’s arm, as Tess mingled with her guests. When it came to seating her on Santa’s lap, our granddaughter, showing sensitive discernment, produced very rare signs of distress. Fortunately a little friend was on hand to wipe away the tears and help the toddler open her present.
After the event, Becky stayed at Upper Dicker and Ian drove Jackie and me all the way home and stayed the night, returning to Emsworth after lunch.
When Jackie visited Hordle Chinese Take Away for our dinner this evening, Mr Chatty Man Chan was collecting his boys from a pantomime in which they had participated. His wife therefore served her. We. as usual, enjoyed the food, but neither of us imbibed.
I’m glad you got there on time.
Thanks, Alex
Despite the weather everyone appears to be smiling and having a great time. The Holidays really can be magical.
A good word, GP. Thanks a lot
It seems you enjoyed these moments… and forgot the bad weather.
Absolutely, Louise. Thank you
Isn’t it heartwarming to know that even inclement weather can’t keep the community from singing at Christmas time! It looks like a lovely gathering.
It was quite amazing, Pauline. So proud of Tess. Thanks a lot
I love the lights in Tess’s hair! Good luck with the installation tomorrow.You may have to think through power sources and what plugs you regularly use, as the fibre optic needs a power source and the router does as well. You probably have more power outlets than I do, but I needed to think through the options.
Thanks very much, Lisa. James Peacock will be in attendance to check it all out. I wouldn’t have a clue 🙂
Driving in the dark and rain is never fun, but I’m glad you made it to the festivities. It looks like a fun event, and everyone seems to be having fun!
Good luck with the installation!
Very many thanks, Merril
But the wine and pie made it all worthwhile ???
Actually, I didn’t eat much, but the wine was excellent, and the event much fun. Thanks, Van
Although the weather didn’t cooperative, it looks like a festive evening. I hate driving in the rain when it’s dark…my old eyes have problems seeing the road.
Me, too, Jill. I’ve always hated night driving. Many thanks
Some excellent photographs of the carol singing, What a rich language English is. I suddenly realised that your title is only one apostrophe away from being something said by a commentator in a women’s snooker match.
Brilliant comment, John. Thanks
It appears you delighted in these minutes… and overlooked the awful climate.
Yep. Actually it was a very mild temperature. Thank you
The weather looks harsh, but I’m happy to see all those joyful faces in the pictures… winter festivity has begun… 🙂
Thank you, Maniparna. Actually, the temperature was mild
Looks like a fabulous family atmosphere at the carol singing, despite the atrocious weather.
Thanks very much, Melanie
You’re very welcome.
It looks cold and wet, but also that there was a great atmosphere. I see lots of big smiles. After standing out in the rain, I’ll be the mulled wine and mince pies were particularly delicious.
Many thanks, Bun. Cold, it wasn’t.
Well, that’s something. I’d still have enjoyed the mulled wine, though. 🙂
Such a wonderful support from the local community! 🙂
Wasn’t it. Thanks, Amy
Looks like a lovely time
’twas, Lynn. Thanks
Great fun for all–the true spirit abiding, it appears! Heartening post.
Many thanks, Cynthia
Just wonderful that you were able to join in the festivities, despite the challenges. I have had no end of trouble uploading photographs on this trip, and such slow internet connections that I have given up, and will catch up when I get home. We had the fibre optic connected earlier this year – the installation took ten years off my life, but it got there in the end. But it is not necessarily faster than the ADSL, On the other hand, we are practically in the city. Access in these country areas is so slow that I am sure the fibre should be a boon for them.
Many thanks, Gwen. I look forward to you photo catch up
Looks like a real marathon effort – glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks, Quercus. It was such an amazing turn-out
It looks like a good night.
I am not sure it was intended but it was interesting how you inserted the images which are almost black and white with all the umbrellas amidst two strips of colourful images. It looks like the carols were enjoyed by everyone. Here too there are people who go around singing carols and actually there is a group who do it to raise money for those who need medical or other assistance.
Thanks a lot, Geetha. The grouping is WP work. There is little I can do to alter it, although I do sometimes.
Welcome Derrick. It came out nicely so it is good you left it that way
Such a touching example of how young people help to calm and brighten younger one’s mood. Poppy certainly usually enjoys most things and I was surprised at her expressing fear of Santa. It shows her growing older and more aware of challenges. 🙂
I liked the crowd from the school and those who joined together to create joyous singing, Derrick.
Nice, perceptive, comments, Robin. Thank you.